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Regeneron scientists discuss the all-in battle with COVID-19 at the first-ever Virtual Regeneron ISEF.
The National Geographic Museum's virtual tour of its Becoming Jane exhibition will be one of the many immersive experiences open to participants in the STEM Experiential Hall.
Swarthmore's Parrish Hall
The Society will be hosting a Virtual Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) program May 18 through May 22.
Deborah Birx, 1973 ISEF alumna, is the White House Coronavirus Task Force Coordinator
In response to the coronavirus, Dhruv Pai and his best friend started an organization called Teenagers Helping Seniors, where they help deliver groceries and medication to the elderly.
Left: Dennis pictured with his science poster in the early 1970’s. Right: Dennis poses with Maya Ajmera, President & CEO of the Society at ISEF 2019 in Phoenix.
Alum, Demetri Maxim's Stanford commencement was cancelled due to COVID-19.
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