Scientific Integrity: A Core Value
Society for Science expects students competing in all of our STEM research competitions — the Regeneron Science Talent Search, Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair and Thermo Fisher Scientific Junior Innovators Challenge – as well as our affiliated science fair network to hold themselves to the highest ethical standards. Scientific integrity is central to the credibility, reliability and progress of science. At a time when misinformation is at an all-time high, and technological advancements like AI are challenging the way we interact, it is vital that scientists of every age adhere to principles of honesty, transparency and objectivity.

Society for Science’s
Scientific Integrity & Ethics Policies

Regeneron Science Talent Search
Find the Ethics Statement on page 10, Academic Integrity Statement on page 14 and IP Policy on page 14

Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair

Thermo Fisher Scientific Junior Innovators Challenge
Student Responsibilities
Participating in a Society for Science competition carries moral and ethical responsibilities for every young person. Society for Science expects students to act with honor and integrity when conducting scientific research and in interacting within their peer community.
- Scientific fraud and misconduct are prohibited at all levels of research and competition.
- Student scientists must not fabricate data or images, plagiarize or present someone else’s work as their own.
- Student scientists must differentiate their own work from the work of others and cite sources.
- Student scientists must respect confidentiality and intellectual property.
While pre-collegiate scientific research is an educational process that includes the potential for errors and omissions, it is essential that students’ intentions remain honest and free from deceit.

Society for Science
Program Harassment Policy
The Society places a high value on the importance of treating everyone involved in our competitions, from fellow finalists to Society staff to venue staff, with respect and ensuring a harassment-free experience for everyone. This includes a zero-tolerance stance on cyberbullying. Participants in all competitions must adhere to the Society’s Anti-Harassment Policy.
The Society has a Child Safety Officer present at every competition to offer all participants an impartial third party to contact about any harassment concerns.
Adherence to the Society’s Anti-Harassment Policy is not limited to the onsite event. The Society expects students to follow the policy prior to and after the program has concluded, including in-person and virtual spaces.

How to report concerns to Society for Science
Submitting a scientific integrity allegation is a serious action that should be done only with credible evidence and when you are willing to come forward as an identifiable source of that information. No adverse action or retaliation will be taken against a person who reports a violation or who participates in an investigation in good faith.
The following contact methods should be used:
- Science Talent Search:
- Junior Innovators Challenge:
- International Science and Engineering Fair:
- Affiliated Fair:
Affiliated science fairs are strongly encouraged to have a written grievance process. Go to your fair’s website to learn more.
Please note that the Society will not investigate anonymous allegations. False accusations can be a form of harassment, particularly when made publicly and can be actionable if knowingly charged without proper evidence.