Science News Learning
At Science News Learning, we’re dedicated to expanding student science literacy across the U.S. by supporting a community of nearly 6,000 middle and high schools and more than 17,000 educators with equitable access to Science News Media Group’s award-winning print and online journalism, an expansive library of ready-to-use lesson plans, each designed to incorporate recent applications in STEM research into core curricula, and STEM literacy professional development opportunities.
Regeneron and other sponsors are fully sponsoring the program for interested public schools, including 122 districts or geographic cohorts, which gives program access to nearly 6 million students. Over 60% of our schools are Title I eligible.
Interested in the program? Express interest in signing up your school. Learn more about the program resources from this Science News Learning Program brochure.
Educator Portal
Is your school already enrolled in Science News Learning? Educators, log in to this portal to access the journalism sites and hundreds of ready-to-use lesson plans. Lesson plans help you integrate articles by core concepts while teaching science and engineering practices, data analysis and literacy.
Explore the Educator PortalScience News Learning Ambassadors
The Science News Learning Ambassadors are educators from across the country who have been inspiring their middle and high school science students with Science News journalism for years! They are Science News Learning expert teachers who want to share their love of teaching science literacy using current, real-life examples with others throughout the school year. Ambassadors partner with program staff to give meaningful feedback and develop new, creative lesson plans using Science News Learning resources and solutions for their own classrooms.
Hear from Science News Learning teachers
Hear how current Science News Learning teachers are using the program resources in their classrooms by reading our testimonials page!