1,699 results found for "6"

Register now to join us online May 16-21

REGISTER NOW and we’ll keep you posted about amazing science panels, opportunities to meet the finalists and view their projects, the best ways to explore the 2021 ISEF College Fair and the STEM Career Hall and more.

Katherine St George, 6th place winner in the Regeneron STS 2020

Expedition 63 In-Flight Education Event with Society for Science

On October 2, 2020, Society for Science educators and students participated in an Earth-to-space video call with Expedition 63 Commander Chris Cassidy of NASA, aboard the International Space Station.

Advocate Debbie Morgan and her students in a lab.

Press Release

Society for Science & the Public Awards Nearly $350,000 to 66 Teachers Mentoring Students from Underserved Groups in Science and Engineering Research at Home

The Society is excited to announce this year’s Advocates, 66 leading STEM educators from middle and high schools, as well as universities, museums and nonprofits across the country, who demonstrate a profound commitment to students of different races and ethnicities in STEM and students from low-income households.

BCMI grid

2016 Annual Report

The Society for Science & the Public (Society) is thrilled to present our 2016 Annual Report, Transforming Our DNA, which shares how we are working to bring together our journalism and education programs in order to further our mission. The Society is a champion for science, dedicated to expanding scientific literacy, effective STEM education and scientific research.

Science Talent Search 1961

Every year for over seven decades, forty finalists have been chosen to attend and compete in the Science Talent Institute week in Washington, DC. This page is a tribute to the memories and alumni of the Science Talent Search of 1961.

Science Talent Search 1962

Every year for over seven decades, forty finalists have been chosen to attend and compete in the Science Talent Institute week in Washington, DC. This page is a tribute to the memories and alumni of the Science Talent Search of 1962.

Science Talent Search 1963

Every year for over seven decades, forty finalists have been chosen to attend and compete in the Science Talent Institute week in Washington, DC. This page is a tribute to the memories and alumni of the Science Talent Search of 1963.