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“Broadcom MASTERS”

Five middle school scientists spent last summer exploring their scientific areas of interest at various summer camps.
The 2022 top 30 Broadcom MASTERS finalists gathered for a picture on George Mason University's campus in between challenges.
All thirty finalists, wearing their team colors, pose for a photo on a dock, with the Chesapeake Bay in the background
2022 Top Award Winners, Broadcom MASTERS
2022 Broadcom MASTERS Finalists posed for photos with the Broadcom MASTERS bear at the photo booth during the project showcase.
The top 30 Broadcom MASTERS finalist are interested in a number of extracurricular activities including (clockwise) gardening, golfing, photography and equestrian.
The 2022 Broadcom MASTERS Finalists
A four photo grid featuring images that represent the Broadcom MASTERS Top 300. Clockwise: 4-H symbol of four Hs in a four leaf clover, two people fencing, a violin and sheet of music, a robotic car.