Thirty exceptional young scientists named finalists in Broadcom MASTERS
Broadcom Foundation and Society for Science today announced the 30 finalists in the 2022 annual Broadcom MASTERS®, the nation’s premier science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) middle school competition. The finalists are competing for more than $100,000 in awards including the top Samueli Foundation Prize of $25,000.
Broadcom MASTERS (Math, Applied Science, Technology and Engineering for Rising Stars), a program founded and produced by Society for Science, seeks to inspire young scientists, engineers and innovators who will work towards solving the grand challenges of the future. Each of the 30 finalists will be judged on both their research projects as well as their demonstration of collaboration and critical thinking skills during team challenges, emphasizing the importance and value of teamwork in STEM fields.
“We are excited to host the 2022 Broadcom MASTERS finalists in Washington D.C. this fall,” said Paula Golden, President of the Broadcom Foundation. “They stand out among thousands of students who competed at science fairs throughout the U.S. this year and we know they will be an inspiration to all future scientists, engineers and innovators of their generation. We send hearty congratulations to them along with their teachers, mentors and families who share in our pride for all they have accomplished.”
Broadcom MASTERS top 30 finalist fast facts:
- The top project category is engineering, with six projects
- The finalists come from 12 states.
- The state with the largest number of finalists is Pennsylvania (6), followed by California (5), Florida (5) and North Carolina (3). Maryland, Texas and Utah each have two finalists, and Arizona, Nebraska, Kansas, Nevada and Oregon all have one finalist.
- Sixteen of the finalists attend public schools, 10 represent private schools, three attend charter schools and one finalist attends a magnet school.
A full list of the finalists and information about their projects can be viewed here:
“These extraordinary students are looking for solutions to some of the world’s most intractable problems,” said Maya Ajmera, President and CEO of Society for Science and Publisher of Science News. “I commend these young people for their hard work to make the world a better place. I wish all the finalists the very best in the competition.”
Broadcom MASTERS is the only middle school STEM competition that leverages Society-affiliated science fairs as a crucial component of the STEM talent pipeline. Only the top 10% of students in sixth, seventh and eighth grade in Society-affiliated fairs are eligible to enter their projects into the competition.
All 30 finalists, who were selected from a pool of 1,807 applicants, will each receive a $500 cash award and will participate in Finals Week in Washington, D.C., encompassing multiple team challenges and judging, where students will compete for the following awards:
- $25,000 Samueli Foundation Prize, a gift of Susan and Henry Samueli, Chairman of the Board, Broadcom Inc., & Chair, Broadcom Foundation, for the student who demonstrates mastery of all STEM fields and exemplifies how research, innovation and teamwork come together to impact our everyday lives.
- $10,000 DoD STEM Talent Award, which will be awarded to a finalist who demonstrates excellence in science, technology, engineering or math, along with the leadership and technical skills necessary to excel in the 21st century STEM workforce.
- $10,000 Lemelson Award for Invention, awarded by The Lemelson Foundation to a young inventor creating promising solutions to real-world problems.
- $10,000 Marconi/Samueli Award for Innovation, awarded to a student who demonstrates both vision and promise as an innovator.
- $10,000 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Award for Health Advancement, which recognizes the student whose work and performance show the most promise in health-related fields and demonstrates an understanding of the many social factors that affect the health of communities.
- $5,000 Broadcom Coding with Commitment recognizes a finalist whose project and performance combines expert STEM knowledge and passion for helping or improving one’s community through computation/coding.
- First and Second Place Awards issued in each category of STEM of $3,500 or $2,500, respectively, to be used toward a STEM summer camp experience, with top awards in math from Robert John Floe, President Floe Financial Partners.
- Two Rising Stars in sixth or seventh grade invited to attend the Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair, the world’s largest international high school science fair, as Observers.
Broadcom MASTERS recognizes finalists’ science teachers with a one-year classroom subscription to Science News magazine and awards the finalists’ schools with $1,000 each to use toward STEM activities.
For more information visit Broadcom Foundation and Society for Science. To keep up with the Broadcom MASTERS, use hashtag #brcmMASTERS or follow Broadcom Foundation and the Society on Twitter or Broadcom Foundation and the Society on Instagram. And to stay connected, visit the Broadcom MASTERS and Society Facebook pages. You can also follow the Society on Snapchat (Society4Science).