Top 10 Ways Educators and Mentors Can Support Regeneron STS Entrants

 Explore the online application

Adults are encouraged to open STS applications (and are asked to identify yourself as a non-applicant in Task 1).

Exploring the process will allow you to guide your student(s) through the process, set individual timeline goals, learn of any changes, receive important application update emails and more.

Elias Arellano Villanueva (second from right) works on a project with students and fellow Advocate Ellen Smith Tourigny (left) at the Advocate Training Institute in Washington, D.C.
Society for Science/Jessica Yurinko

Read the Official Rules on an annual basis.

We know this document is long, but new rules are added each year. Understanding the rules will allow you to guide student project selection prior to entering STS, help students obtain the correct paperwork and more.

Mark your calendar!

Help remind your students (and submit your own recommendations if applicable). The official application deadline is in early November 2025. All application, and adult recommendation, materials are due by this date and time. We are unable to make any exceptions to this rule.

The Technical Support deadline is one full day prior to the official application deadline. All questions, concerns, tech issues, etc. must be reported by this date and time. The Society promises to resolve all issues reported by the Technical Support Deadline, but cannot guarantee resolution for issues reported after this window. Entrants are encouraged to submit early to avoid any last minute problems.

Sign up for Regeneron STS webinars!

Some are targeted at students, while others are for adults. The Society will host four new sessions in summer/fall 2025. Links will be emailed to you 30 minutes prior to each session.

Check out this list of common reasons projects might fail to qualify for Regeneron STS.

Sadly, many students take the time to enter Regeneron STS but will not progress in the competition if they are part of an ineligible age group, are lacking proper paperwork, or have violated an STS rule. Make sure this does not happen to your students.

Encourage your students to apply!

Follow the Society for Science on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook for latest updates, alumni news and tips. Be sure to check out our “Spread the Word” page for helpful resources, like a presentation and fun social media tools you can share with your students! 

Sign up for the Society’s High School Research Teachers’ Conference Lottery!

This free conference, hosted annually by Society for Science, is an incredible opportunity for high school research teachers across the country to gather, share information, learn best practices and more.

Writing recommendations for your entrant

Be sure to check out our Tips for Recommenders.

Remember, the recommender deadline is the same date and time as the official application deadline!


Check out our Program FAQ page and Application FAQ page.

Our robust FAQs will guide you and your students through most troubleshooting issues.

Watch this helpful video for help with our online system and useful tips for all recommenders.

Still have questions?

Email us at Our dedicated team will provide the support you need.