Spread the Word about Regeneron STS!

Do you know a rising 12th grade student with a great research project? Make sure they know about Regeneron STS! Utilize the resources on this page to encourage your students to apply to the nation’s top STEM competition.

Science Talent Search 2024

Tell Your Students About Regeneron STS!

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Highlights From 2024

Past Webinars

Sign up for our email list to receive notifications of future webinars!

  • Wednesday, July 17—Am I Eligible? Official Rules Overview (with Tips and Tricks)
  • Wednesday, August 14—Advice from Experienced Educators: Teachers of past scholars will share their secrets with current entrants, and management advice for teachers new to the STS process.
  • Wednesday, September 25—What Makes a Regeneron STS Top 40 Finalist? Application Advice for Entrants
  • Tuesday, October 29—Advice from Alumni: Reasons to Apply!

Review these helpful webinars filmed in 2021-2023. This information is all still relevant to the 2025 application cycle, with the exception of any past dates mentioned:

Regeneron STS 2024 finalist Nathan Wei.

From the Society Blog

STS finalists pose with Gabriela Farfan at the Hope Diamond during their tour.
2024 Science Talent Search finalist Alexandra Mahajan
Hayley Bay Barna answers questions at the 2024 STS alumni dinner.

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