About Regeneron STS
The Regeneron Science Talent Search (Regeneron STS) is the nation’s oldest and most prestigious science competition for high school seniors, providing an important forum for original research that is recognized and reviewed by a national jury of professional scientists. Alumni have made extraordinary contributions to science and have earned many of the world’s most distinguished science and math honors, including thirteen Nobel Prizes. Annually, over 2,000 high school seniors from around the country accept the challenge of conducting independent science, math or engineering research and completing an entry for the Regeneron Science Talent Search. The competition recognizes 300 student scholars and their schools each year and invites 40 student finalists to Washington, D.C. to participate in final judging, display their work to the public, and meet with notable scientists and government leaders. Each year, Regeneron STS scholars and finalists compete for $3.1 million in awards.

Who runs the Regeneron Science Talent Search?
Society for Science (the Society) is a non-profit organization based in Washington, DC. The Society has run the Science Talent Search for almost 8 decades, including the application process, judging, finalist week in Washington DC, processing of awards, and alumni management. The Society works actively with Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc., the generous title sponsor for the program beginning in 2016.
How can I learn more about the Regeneron Science Talent Search?
Sign up to receive updates about our application launches, winner announcements, and more!
Why should entrants apply to Regeneron STS?
- The application is a great exercise in scientific writing and thinking through the “why” of a research project!
- Entrants can win awards of up to $250,000!
- Top 40 finalists always say that the real prize of Regeneron STS is the community. The experience of meeting like-minded individuals during a special week together in Washington, DC, while learning from top scientists and attending field trips, is truly life changing. Don’t believe us? Watch our latest highlights video or this blog post with reasons to apply!
Who can enter the Regeneron Science Talent Search (Regeneron STS)?
Any student who is living in and attending their last year of secondary school in the US and its territories may apply, regardless of citizenship. Students who are US citizens living abroad may also qualify. Students attending American schools abroad, but who are not US citizens, are not eligible. Please read the Regeneron STS Rules and Entry Instructions document for more information.
Can students who have completed team research enter Regeneron STS?
- No; only independent, individual research is eligible. Even if students performed different parts of the experiment with another high school student, or if one student was the primary investigator, this is still considered team research. Students may not “split” a team project and enter it in Regeneron STS as individuals. For the 2026 application cycle, students also may not “split” a team project and enter it in Regeneron STS as individuals. Students also may not within the time between submission to the Regeneron STS in November 2025 and June 2026 combine individual research submitted to Regeneron STS and present it as team research in competition, publications, or any forum.
- Research conducted alongside adult researchers in a research institution is permitted, but clarity and adequate acknowledgment of an individual’s role and independence versus work being done by the collective laboratory throughout the application is vital. Consideration should be given to the extent to which the research qualifies as independent research, given the student and adult responsibilities.
Can students who have worked with scientist mentors or college students enter Regeneron STS?
Yes; these students are eligible to enter Regeneron STS, but in terms of judging, students should consider if the work is substantially their own. Judges understand that sometimes scientists cannot allow students to choose their own topic or sometimes the main part of a procedure is already known. Students should consider what portions of the research they can take credit for and if they believe it shows their potential as a scientist. Student researchers will also need to obtain permission from their mentors before submitting their research to Regeneron STS.
Can homeschooled students enter Regeneron STS?
Yes. Homeschooled students should contact the Society to have their school added to the high school lookup function, just as other new schools are added. They will also need to provide a document indicating what courses they have completed and their success in those courses, and submit that as a school transcript. Homeschool programs are not eligible to receive school awards, but may designate a non-profit or local school district to receive the award funds.
Can parents/guardians/other close relatives mentor students?
Yes; Entrants may be mentored by their parent(s)/guardian(s) or individuals employed by or previously mentored by family, close friends, neighbors or other known individuals. However, both students and recommenders must disclose any prior familial or personal relationship within the application. All known or perceived conflicts of interest should be reported in the application. This includes (but is not limited to) the following scenarios: mentors are, or have been, colleagues in the same department as the entrant’s parents/guardians/other relative; mentor is supervised by the entrant’s relative; mentor is a relative/neighbor/family friend of the entrant; etc.
Are entrants allowed to submit research that was completed through a paid program?
Entrants may perform their STS research in any sort of environment, including paid and unpaid research programs. However, entrants AND mentors must disclose participation in paid programs. This is a safeguard for the protection of students. No research program should guarantee placement in the Regeneron Science Talent Search. Any individual who is aware of fraudulent or suspicious research programs should email sts@societyforscience.org.
Can you recommend a research program?
Regeneron STS and Society for Science do not endorse any particular research programs; in fact, we do not believe a student must participate in a research program to be successful as a scientist or in our programs. There are many stories on our website that support this claim! We do see the value in mentorship and learning research skills, and understand why some students may seek paid or unpaid options, but urge students and parents/guardians to be diligent in their selection of these types of programs. For individuals seeking legitimate research programs, here are a few tips:
- A legitimate program will include the names and credentials of their staff and mentors on their website.
- A legitimate program shares transparent pricing on their website.
- Programs should not promise results. In addition, reciprocal payment based on student payment in competition is against Regeneron STS rules and grounds for disqualification.
- Programs should not ask students for secrecy; this is inappropriate behavior when working with minors, and disclosure of additional support is a requirement for Regeneron STS.
I have an idea for a project. Can I submit my idea to Regeneron STS?
A project must have data and results in order to draft a research paper. You are asked to discuss your results both in the paper and in the essays within the application. If you have not yet built your device and/or collected data, then this project is not eligible for Regeneron STS. Note that literature reviews are also not permitted for entry to Regeneron STS.
May entrants submit published research?
Yes, students may submit published research papers representing their work to Regeneron STS. We only recommend this in cases where the entrant is the first or sole author, otherwise it is difficult to determine student contribution. Note that it is certainly not required to submit published work and most entrants submit work that is not yet published.
What are the Regeneron STS official rules? Are they similar to ISEF?
You can find the Regeneron STS rules here. Entrants and educators should review them each year; they are similar to ISEF rules but there are many significant differences. When entrants open applications, task 3 will guide them through a series of questions that will determine the type of paperwork they need to submit to demonstrate permissions needed.
How can students get started on a research project?
There are so many great ways to get involved with research, and successful entrants approach research from all angles. You can learn a few basics in this Pathways to Science article, explore our Research at Home page, or find many other great internet resources on this topic.
Can I use ChatGPT in my application?
Students may not use ChatGPT or other AI tools to answer Regeneron STS application questions or draft the Research Report. Use of such tools for student research projects is permitted, and should be disclosed.
Application Requirements and Deadline
When is the application due?
The Regeneron STS 2026 application will open on June 1, 2025 and close in early November 2025. To learn more about the specific troubleshooting issues with the application process, visit the application FAQ.
All recommendations are due at the same deadline for student applications, no exceptions. The Technical Support Deadline is 24 hours ahead of the application deadline; the Society guarantees resolution of all issues reported by this time, and strongly encourages entrants to submit by then. The 2026 application will open June 1, 2025 and close in early November 2025.
What does the application process entail?
The application consists of essay questions, questions about your project, a maximum 20-page original scientific paper, recommendations, transcripts and optional test scores. You can learn more about these requirements in the Regeneron STS Rules and Entry Instructions document. You may review a PDF containing the Application Questions 2024, but must complete an application through our online system. We do not accept hard copies or any version sent to us outside of the system.
Entrants will submit a written report of their research, request recommendations from teachers and mentors, share transcripts via their counselors
What is required of students prior to entering Regeneron STS?
Students perform independent science research at school, at a research institution, in the field, or at home. Frequently this research spans a year or more, but some students have completed research in as short as 6 months. They write a research report that would model a journal article explaining their experiments and conclusions. Entrants may submit research projects performed in any year of school, over any length of time.
I have a troubleshooting question about my application. What should I do?
Check out our Application FAQ page. If you do not find the answer to your question, please email our team at sts@societyforscience.org.
I wish to report a grievance about an STS entrant, scholar or finalist. What should I do?
If an adult or student entrant wishes to share a grievance or a suspected violation of STS entry rules, eligibility or research related rules, or suspicious research programs, they should email their concern to sts@societyforscience.org. However, while complaints are taken seriously, we are unable to investigate anonymous complaints. All individuals reporting grievances must identify themselves and their connection to the student in question. Anonymity will be preserved as much as possible in the investigation.
Judging and Awards
How are entries judged?
Regeneron STS utilizes a holistic review process to identify future leaders in STEM. All components of the application package are considered in this review. Entries are reviewed by three or more PhD scientists, mathematicians, or engineers in the subject area of the entry. Scholars and finalists are selected by the judges, using all available entry evidence, with greatest weight given to the Research Report. Judges are looking for students exhibiting exceptional research skills, a commitment to academics and their extracurricular pursuits, innovative thinking, promise as a scientist, and evidence of leadership in their communities. Regeneron STS does not share rubrics. Entrants waive their right to review or challenge results.
What is Regeneron STS looking for?
Regeneron STS looks for future leaders in STEM. Through a holistic application process, we are looking for talent and potential. This means that while the research is very important, it is not the only factor when naming scholars and finalists. Entrants’ recommendations, grades and stories they share highlight their abilities and what is important to them.
Regeneron STS is NOT looking for perfection, specific AP scores, only students from certain states and schools, participation at well-known labs, quotas or cut-offs of any sort. Instead, show us what future “you” looks like, and what you are doing now to get there. Share your successes and the limitations in your life, how you spend your time (not just your extracurriculars), and where you show leadership in your life (at school, your job, your religious community, etc.) Regeneron STS knows that leaders come from all walks of life, and we hope you will choose to apply and that you do not let your perceived weaknesses hold you back. Finalists often tell us that they weren’t sure they should apply due to imposter syndrome, but are always glad they did!
What Regeneron STS Awards are given?
All Regeneron STS entrants receive a t-shirt, laptop sticker and a one-year subscription to Science News magazine as recognition of their completion of the rigorous application, and to support and encourage their interests in scientific disciplines.
Three hundred scholars are awarded $2,000; with an additional $2,000 going to their high schools to support STEM education. The top 300 scholars will also receive an invitation to apply to Regeneron’s summer internship program. All 40 finalists win an all-expenses-paid trip to Washington, DC for the Regeneron Science Talent Institute where they explain their research to some of the country’s top scientists and compete for the top 10 awards. The top award is $250,000.
What is Finals Week Judging like for the top 40 Finalists?
Top 40 finalists are invited to travel to Washington, DC where they participate in a once in a lifetime week of fun, learning and judging. Finalists undergo two types of judging–project judging, relating to their research, and panel judging, designed to evaluate the depth and breadth of their knowledge. From these interviews and the application package, the top 10 winners are named and all 40 finalists are celebrated in a black tie awards gala.
May I view comments from the evaluators or judges about my entry?
The judging and evaluation process used by Regeneron STS/ the Society is confidential and proprietary. Entrants agree to unconditionally accept the decision of the judges as final and binding in all matters related to the Regeneron STS program and waive any rights to challenge, inspect, observe or otherwise obtain any information that constitutes the confidential and proprietary information of Regeneron STS/the Society judging and evaluation process.