Outreach & Equity, Science News, Science News Learning
Teachers share their thanks for Science News Learning
As 2022 winds down, teachers across the country who use Science News Learning in their classrooms took a moment to share their thanks for the program and the impact it is making on their students. Science News Learning provides educators with Science News magazine and related lesson plans to help educators achieve STEM literacy standards and bring alive core curricular concepts with the most recent advances in STEM.
“Thank you for sponsoring Science News in my classroom. With so many schools facing limited budgets and resources, your generous donation of Science News makes it possible to offer up-to-date science articles and relevant information to my students. The high interest articles and other resources available through Science News supplement my science curriculum and help to increase science literacy within the classroom. Thank you!” — Michael Thom, Purchase Line High School, Pennsylvania
“My students and I thoroughly enjoy being able to read about science topics at a level that is understandable yet still informative. Having suggested lessons and ways to implement using the articles in class is also helpful and efficient for me as the teacher. This resource helps with our school’s literacy initiative as we aim to increase reading and use of primary and secondary sources across all subjects in our STEM school.” — Amanda Smith, Jose Marti STEM Academy, New Jersey
“Thank you so much for making Science News accessible for my students! The access to current research and relevant science happening around the world is invaluable for motivating students and making connections to the world outside of the classroom!” — Laura Zimney, Esko High School, Minnesota
“Thank you so much for providing the Science News and Science News Learning resources to our school. We use the articles in various ways to provide supplemental lessons in all our classes as well as to boost science literacy for our students. They also help our teachers to remain cognizant of current research topics, especially during difficult times. Again, thank you so much.” — Barbera Heckert, Ripley High School, West Virginia
“Thank you for sponsoring our Science News magazines at Desert Sky Middle School. Our school is a Title One school and having access to current events in science is very valuable. The students love to read these magazines, and this often inspires them to do more research on these and related topics. I also share these magazines with the other seventh grade science teacher on campus. Thank you again for your support in helping to teach and inspire our middle school students with the amazing science information.” — Dina Schofield, Desert Sky Middle School, Arizona
“Thank you so much for making current science information available to me as professional development, along with access to innovative lesson ideas and relevant information that helps me engage my students even more.” — Heather Rottenborn, Ann Sobrato High School, California
“Thank you for providing Science News to my students. We are a rural Nebraska school and I use these magazines for my 10th-grade honors biology classes. In this class, all students are required to carry out an independent research project. Having Science News help spur ideas and see how scientists are tackling real-world problems. It stirs their curiosity and improves their scientific thinking.” — Jay Cecrle, Adams Central High School, Nebraska
“Thank you so much for continuing to support our subscription to Science News. The subscription is especially useful in providing students with inspiration for their own research and sparking their interest in science. As a teacher, the subscription is also useful in helping me stay informed of current developments in science.” —Kimberly McCollum, Success Academy at Southern Utah University, Utah
If you are interested in learning more about Science News Learning, please check out our website here or email us at SNLearning@societyforscience.org if you have any questions.