Old Orchard School receives $1,000 for student’s Broadcom MASTERS success

On Friday, December 4, Old Orchard School received a $1,000 check to use for STEM programming, supplies, or activities from the Broadcom Foundation at a school assembly honoring Holly Jackson, top winner of the 2014 Broadcom MASTERS.

The entire school was invited to attend the check presentation, which included remarks from Bonnie Weston, headmistress of Old Orchard; Allie Stifel, Broadcom MASTERS program manager at Society for Science & the Public; Paula Golden, President and Executive Director of Broadcom Foundation and Director of Broadcom Corporation Community Affairs; and Holly Jackson.
“Schools like Old Orchard help kids complete science projects, which they then enter into science fairs. Approximately 70,000 middle school students competed in SSP-affiliated science fairs this year,” said Allie Stifel. “Each fair is allowed to select the top 10% of projects and nominate them for Broadcom MASTERS. At Old Orchard, you should be proud of the two students who were nominated and entered the competition, Holly Jackson and Amelia Gleixner.”

All schools with Broadcom MASTERS finalists receive $1,000 to use for STEM activities. In addition, designated teachers selected by the finalists receive a classroom subscription to Science News, and the teachers selected by semifinalists receive a class set of Sally Ride career books.
Paula Golden took the opportunity to inspire the young student attendees to get involved in STEM, while also congratulating the school:
“How many of you want to go to Jupiter? This is my fantasy for Holly – she creates the material needed to slow down the rocket landing on Jupiter, so that one of you can go on to explore the planet… We are celebrating Old Orchard and Holly today, not only for the STEM skills that Holly displayed during the Broadcom MASTERS finals, but the other skills that Old Orchard helped her develop, including the ability to lead, work together to solve problems, and to be a good communicator.”
Holly shared her experience at the Broadcom MASTERS and gave some advice to other young students:
“Learning new things is an unbelievable opportunity that some people don’t get to experience on a daily basis. So, cherish it. Each time you learn something new, delve into it. Try to learn more. Put in some extra time, and soon science and engineering and technology and math, they will all become a fun hobby. Soon, you’ll be going to college and doing research in those subjects. Soon, you’ll be working at NASA or Microsoft or Apple or Broadcom. And soon you’ll be blasting off into outer space and walking on the moon. It may seem far-fetched, but, well, I thought winning Broadcom MASTERS was far-fetched and look where I am now. If you try hard, really, the sky is the limit, because every opportunity you could wish for is completely within your reach.”
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Read more about Holly Jackson