Finalists of the 2015 Broadcom MASTERS

On September 2, Broadcom Foundation and Society for Science & the Public announced the selection of 30 students as finalists in the fifth annual Broadcom MASTERS – the nation’s most prestigious Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) competition for middle school students.
Finalists hail from 14 states — including first time representation from Michigan. California had the most finalists with eight, followed by Florida with five, Texas with three and two each from Minnesota, New York, and Utah.
The finalists include 14 girls and 16 boys representing 28 schools and one home school. Their project topics include:
- Using Geometry to Protect the Environment and Save Lives
- Stereoscopic Three-Dimensional X-ray Reconstruction Processing and its Application to Cancer Prevention
- A New, Better, and Economic Method to Measure and Extract Caffeine from Drinks
- Ammonia: A Fishy Problem
- Force Field Fact or Fiction
The Broadcom MASTERS finals will take place in Silicon Valley this October, where students will showcase their projects for the public and compete as teams in hands-on STEM activities while competing for the top award of $25,000 and additional prizes.