‘Born with Goggles and Beakers in Hand’
The 2015 Broadcom MASTERS finalists were born with “goggles and beakers in hand.” They read a novel a week, participate in their school plays and musicals, create origami, and build robots. The finalists watch “Cosmos,” read science and computer magazines, and listen to science programs on the radio. They constantly stay true to their hearts and passions, and meet “their people” in science and math competitions.
Here are a few facts about the finalists:
- 25 stay active by biking, fencing, fishing, surfing, swimming, zip lining, playing basketball, lacrosse, tennis, soccer, volleyball, and running track
- 24 volunteer, tutor, and/or have started community service clubs
- 23 play a musical instrument, including the French horn, piano, viola, and violin. Some even reassemble broken instruments
- 17 code algorithms, create apps and animations, program the Raspberry Pi or Arduino, and build calculators and robots. Some also fly drones and participate in Maker Faires
- 17 attended science or engineering summer camps
- 14 serve on their student councils
- 10 have competed in a math Olympiad
- 9 are aspiring poets and artists and are involved in their school’s art club
- 5 are in the Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts
- 4 have competed in Odyssey of the Mind
- Computer Engineer was their most popular career choice
View the full list of Broadcom MASTERS finalists. Finalists will travel to California to compete in the Broadcom MASTERS finals in early October.