Westinghouse Science Talent Search 1947
- Top Boy: Martin Karplus
- Top Girl: Vera Dyson-Hudson (Demerec)
- 2nd Place Boy: Milton Gordon
- 2nd Place Girl: Irene Rescsanski (Nagy)
Remaining Top Ten in ABC order:
- Herman Bieber
- Paul Cloke
- Jerome Eisenberg
- Gary Felsenfeld
- William McLeish
- Norman Smith
- John Taylor Hopkins IV Award: Gustavus Simmons
Gala Speaker
Dr. Vannevar Bush
1947 Semifinalist Book
1947 Alumni Updates
- From life sciences to life lessons: the alumni experience spans generations
- Nobel Laureates, Society alumni of all years gather at Alumni Conference
We welcome and encourage updates on alumni from the Science Talent Search in 1947; please contact us with information.
Finalists of the Science Talent Search in 1947
Herman | Bieber | Brooklyn | NY |
Paul | Cloke | Orono | ME |
Irwin | Cole | Cliffside Park | NJ |
Leon | Cooper | New York | NY |
Anne | Coulson | New York | NY |
Ceclia | Cummings | Bakersfield | CA |
Vera | Dyson-Hudson | Cold Spring Harbor | NY |
Jerome | Eisenberg | Philadelphia | PA |
Marilyn | Ellermann | Mt Sterling | IL |
Donald | Emrick | Waynesfield | OH |
Gary | Felsenfeld | New York | NY |
Milton | Gordon | St Paul | MN |
Clarence | Gregory, Jr | Greenwich | CT |
Phillip | Halverson | Los Angeles | CA |
Eugene | Haugh | Reedsburg | WI |
John | Hayes | Clifton | NJ |
Paula | Haymes | New York | NY |
Herbert | House | Willoughby | OH |
Charles | Inman | Buffalo | NY |
Walter | Kamb | Pasadena | CA |
Martin | Karplus | West Newton | MA |
Kenneth | Kopple | Philadelphia | PA |
Robin | Krivanek | Albany | NY |
Arthur | Mattuck | Brooklyn | NY |
Donald | Maynard | Nashville | TN |
James | McKenna | Lebanon | NH |
William | McLeish | Cincinnati | OH |
Mary | Moe | Chicago | IL |
John | Pike | Montclair | NJ |
Herbert | Radack | New York | NY |
Douglas | Relyea | Perry | NY |
William | Rennagel | Eden | NY |
Irene | Rescsanski | Bridgeport | CT |
David | Shappirio | Washington | DC |
Gustavus | Simmons | Charleston | WV |
Norman | Smith | Urbana | IL |
Leonard | Taylor | Brooklyn | NY |
Dorothy | Williams | Eugene | OR |
James | Wilt | Chicago | IL |
Ariel | Zemach | New York | NY |