Regeneron Science Talent Search
Application Requirements

The Regeneron Science Talent Search 2025 application is NOW OPEN through 8PM ET November 7, 2024. Applications are only accepted through the online system and must be properly submitted by the application deadline. Regeneron STS identifies future leaders in science, and uses a holistic review process that includes many components.

Regeneron STS 2024 finalist Aditi Avinash.
2024 STS Finalist Aditi Avinash Society for Science
Regeneron STS 2023 Finalist Emily Ocasio at Public Day.

Requirements of the Application

1. A Research Report describing an original, independent research project that meets all eligibility requirements. Research conducted during any year of high school is eligible for Regeneron STS.

View the guidelines for Research Reports.

Requirements of the Application

2. Three types of recommendations (click on each item below to learn more about the requirements and to preview the questions asked of recommenders):

  1. Educator Recommendation
  2. Project Recommendation
  3. High School Report (Transcript)
Regeneron STS 2024 finalist Amanrai Kahlon.

Requirements of the Application

3. Application Sections about you, your research project, prior research projects, your activities and how you spend your time.

Requirements of the Application

4. Short Essay Questions

Regeneron STS 2024 finalist Ella Pilacek.

Requirements of the Application

5. Test Scores are optional.

How to Get Started

This Could Be You! Save the Date for our 2024/2025 Webinar Series!

Sign up for our webinar series and links will be emailed to you 30 minutes prior to each session.

  • Wednesday, July 17—Am I Eligible? Official Rules Overview (with Tips and Tricks)
  • Wednesday, August 14—Advice from Experienced Educators: Teachers of past scholars will share their secrets with current entrants, and management advice for teachers new to the STS process.
  • Wednesday, September 25—What Makes a Regeneron STS Top 40 Finalist? Application Advice for Entrants
  • Tuesday, October 29—Advice from Alumni: Reasons to Apply!
Regeneron STS 2023 finalists and top winners at the awards ceremony on March 13, 2023.

Regeneron STS Instructional PDFs

Certain types of research might require pre-approvals and additional paperwork. Note that Regeneron STS rules are somewhat different from Regeneron ISEF rules. Potential STS entrants should review the checklist in the rules book. In cases where additional forms are needed, students may reference the documents below or use similar alternatives.

Past Webinars

Review these helpful webinars filmed in 2021, 2022, and 2023. This information is all still relevant to the 2023/2024 application cycle, with the exception of any past dates mentioned. Sign up for our email list to receive notifications of future webinars!

Regeneron STS 2024 finalist Gavriela Kalish-Schur.