Science News for Students Launches Climate Change Chronicles
WASHINGTON, DC – September 20, 2018 – Science News for Students today launched a 10-month-long feature series, Climate Change Chronicles, aimed at educating students about climate change. It focuses on changes that are already underway and on what the future may hold. Through each article, Science News for Students, part of the Science News Media Group, will help readers across the globe better understand how different facets of climate change are affecting every part of their planet.
“I am particularly excited about the Climate Change Chronicles, given that the series will focus on emerging science that is underway as well as the broad implications of these projected changes,” said Maya Ajmera, President and CEO of the Society for Science & the Public and Publisher of Science News. “I am proud that Science News for Students is tackling this issue, and ensuring that students have access to accurate, evidence-based reporting about climate change.”
The Climate Change Series will launch with six stories:
- Climate change sets people on the move
- Scientists find an easier way to trap carbon dioxide in rock
- Explainer: CO2 and other greenhouse gases
- Explainer: Where fossil fuels come from
- Analyze This: How hot will it get?
- Scientists Say: Climate
Moving forward, Science News for Students will publish one feature, along with related stories, each month through the remainder of the school year. Other topics will include sea level rise, climate and human health, melting in Antarctica, and how scientists can find the fingerprint of climate change in today’s extreme weather. Current and future stories will be available at
“Through Climate Change Chronicles, we seek to educate students about the implications of climate change, including how humanity is adapting or will need to adapt. Our goal is to inform students and the public about what the future may bring,” said Janet Raloff, Editor of Science News for Students.
Anyone interested in getting Climate Change Chronicles sent straight to their inbox can sign up for the Science News for Students newsletter at All of the award-winning, high-quality news available on Science News for Students is free.
About Science News for Students
Now in its 15th year, this daily online magazine provides award-winning journalism across the science and engineering spectrum. All pieces use a vocabulary and sentence structure that makes them accessible to readers 9 to 14 years old. But the breadth of technical subjects and tone attracts many advanced readers (and adults) as well. Stories are reported by experienced journalists, many having PhDs in the fields on which they write. Part of Society for Science & the Public, it is the sister publication to Science News. Now in its 96th year, Science News offers readers bold, contemporary, award-winning editorial content, detailed imagery, a blog network, and access to archives going back to 1924. Concise, current, and comprehensive, it too provides an approachable overview of all fields and applications of science and technology.
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About Society for Science & the Public
Society for Science & the Public is dedicated to the achievement of young scientists in independent research and to public engagement in science. Established in 1921, the Society is a nonprofit whose vision is to promote the understanding and appreciation of science and the vital role it plays in human advancement. Through its world-class competitions, including the Regeneron Science Talent Search, the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair, and the Broadcom MASTERS, and its award-winning magazines, Science News and Science News for Students, Society for Science & the Public is committed to inform, educate, and inspire. Learn more at and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat (Society4Science).