About Lisa Randall
Theoretical physicist Lisa Randall is a leading expert on particle physics and cosmology. She competed in STS in 1980, winning first prize for her project on Gaussian integers. Randall went on to become a professor, teaching physics at MIT, Princeton University and Harvard University. She has authored several books—including Dark Matter and the Dinosaurs—which bring complex science to life for popular audiences and has received numerous honors for her work, including a Sloan Research Fellowship. Randall remains involved with the Society, speaking at events like the 2016 STS Conference, and is a member of the Society’s Honorary Board.
Science Talent Search 1980
Randall with her prize-winning STS project. Randall later stated, “I think winning the prize gave me more confidence in my ability to do research during moments of self-doubt at college. It was a nice thing to have under my belt.”

In the News: A new era of physics at the Large Hadron Collider
In this Science News article, Randall discusses her work with the Large Hadron Collider, the world’s most powerful particle accelerator.
Read the ArticleMeasure for Measure
Randall enjoys pursuing connections between science and art. In addition to writing the libretto for the opera Hypermusic, Randall has co-curated an exhibit for the Los Angeles Art Association, which she describes in this video.
Watch the Video