Intel STS 2016 Finalists

The Intel Science Talent Search (Intel STS) is the nation’s most prestigious pre-college science competition. Intel STS alumni have made extraordinary contributions to science and hold more than 100 of the world’s most coveted science and math honors, including the Nobel Prize and the National Medal of Science.
Students are selected based upon their scientific research and also on their overall potential as future leaders of the scientific community.
Intel STS recognizes 300 students as semifinalists each year and awards them and their schools $1,000 each. From that select pool, 40 finalists are then invited to Washington, DC in March to undergo final judging, display their work to the public, meet with notable scientists, and compete for $1,012,500 in awards, including the three top awards of $150,000 each.
Read the official press release
View the full list of semifinalists
Amini, Andrew Ethridge
Yorktown High School, Yorktown Heights, NY
Automatic Seizure Onset and Severity Prediction with a Single, Strategically-placed, Bipolar Electroencephalogram
Berman, Katharine Barr
Hastings High School, Hastings-on-Hudson, NY
Effects of Calreticulin Mutations on Pathogenesis of Myeloproliferative Neoplasms
Brown, Paige
Bangor High School, Bangor, ME
Identifying and Remediating the Sources of Pollution in Impaired Bangor Streams
Burch, Claire Bernadette
Mira Loma High School, Sacramento, CA
A Two-Filter Photometric Approach for Detection of Candidate Hot Jupiter Exoplanetary Systems: Applying Lomb-Scargle and Box-fitting Least Squares Analysis to Gravitational Lensing Events
Choe, Joshua
St. Mark’s School of Texas, Dallas, TX
Identification and Characterization of GLUT1 as a Potential Diagnostic Biomarker and Therapeutic Target for Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Colburn, Thomas William
Oak Ridge High School, Oak Ridge, TN
Enhanced Decomposition of Plastic Waste through Photocatalysis
Devalapurkar, Sanath
West High School, Torrance, CA
Algebraic K-Theory is Stable and Admits a Multiplicative Structure for Module Objects
Ge, Beverly
Buchholz High School, Gainesville, FL
Novel Chromogenic Vapor Sensors Enabled by Shape Memory Polymers
Grimmett, Maria Elena
Oxbridge Academy of the Palm Beaches, West Palm Beach, FL
Adsorption of Sulfamethazine by Hypercrosslinked Adsorbent MN250 in Aquatic Systems
Gupta, Vikul
Oregon Episcopal School, Portland, OR
Parallel Implementation of the Convolution Operation in Quotient Polynomial Rings for the NTRU Cryptosystem
Higashino, Soon il Junko
Ossining High School, Ossining, NY
Species Richness of Cutaneous Bacteria Varies with Urbanization: Implications of the Effects of Habitat Conditions on Defense Mechanisms of Plethodon cinereus
Hou, George
Arcadia High School, Arcadia, CA
Separating Mixed Signals in Noise-Polluted Environments Using Global Optimization
Huang, Jessica Li
Jericho Senior High School, Jericho, NY
Redefining the Neurological Basis of Fluid Intelligence: Investigating Network Strength and Normalized Degree of Resting State Functional Connectivity
Jagadeesan, Meena
Phillips Exeter Academy, Exeter, NH
The Exchange Graphs of Weakly Separated Collections
Jagota, Milind
Liberty High School, Bethlehem, PA
Computational Study of Random Nanowire Networks: Optimization of Conductivity through Orientation
Karthik, Anjini
St. Francis High School, Mountain View, CA
Rapid and Selective Detection of Viruses Using Virus Imprinted Polymer Films
Lai, Catherine Jessica Yihui
The Brearley School, New York, NY
Putative High-pIC50 SpDHBP Synthase Inhibitors Against Multi-Drug Resistant S. pneumoniae
Li, Michael Yifan
James M. Bennett High School, Salisbury, MD
Deciphering Neural Coding for Sensorimotor Decision-Making
Liu, Allen
Penfield High School, Penfield, NY
Fourier Based Wavelet Decomposition and Related Properties of Functions Defined on Vector Spaces over Finite Fields
Liu, Helen
Amity Regional High School, Woodbridge, CT
Developing a Novel Progranulin-Derived Biologic for Gaucher disease
Ma, Jonathan
The Harker School, San Jose, CA
Genomics-Based Cancer Drug Response Prediction through the Adaptive Elastic Net
Makaram, Yashaswini
Massachusetts Academy of Math and Science, Worcester, MA
The Phoney Lift: Using Accelerometers to Identify People
Marshall, Nathan Charles
Boise High School, Boise, ID
Rapid Climate Change in the Prehistoric Greenhouse World: A Foreshadowing of Our Future?
Mashal, Rachel
John F. Kennedy High School, Bellmore, NY
Development of a Caffeine Addiction Paradigm to Examine How Dietary Restriction and Level of TOR Signaling Modulate the Effects of Drugs
Maxim, Demetri
Gould Academy, Bethel, ME
Directed Differentiation of Human Pluripotent Stem Cells into Mature Kidney Cells that Form Nephron Structures in Kidney Scaffolds
Menon, Shreya
Skyline High School, Ann Arbor, MI
Antioxidants in Human Cancers: Differential Effects on Non-Coding Intronic RNA Expression
Mong, Arnold
Montgomery Blair High School, Silver Spring, MD
Exposing Non-Classical Properties of the Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger States in Perfect Correlation Cases
Punjabi, Amol
Massachusetts Academy of Math and Science, Worcester, MA
ViaPocket: A New High-Accuracy Druggability Predictor and Its Application to Intrinsically Disordered Proteins
Ravichandran, Kavya
Hathaway Brown School, Shaker Heights, OH
A Nanomedicine Approach for Targeted Thrombolysis
Sayana, Anin
Bellarmine College Preparatory, San Jose, CA
Accelerating Cancer Immunotherapy: Optimization of an EGFRvIII-based Cancer Vaccine via Computationally-Aided Analysis of Proteasome Processing for Improved Glioblastoma Prognosis
Shroff, Kunal
Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology, Alexandria, VA
The Relationship between Lethality and Genomic Instability in Euploid and Aneuploid Yeast Cells expressing Pathological Huntingtin
Srinivas, Pranav
Monta Vista High School, Cupertino, CA
Boolean Network Modeling for Systematic Identification of Deregulated Pathways and Anticancer Drug Resistance
Uwamanzu-Nna, Augusta
Elmont Memorial High School, Elmont, NY
Rheological Characterization of Attapulgite Nanoclay Modified Cement Slurries for Oil Well Cementing Applications
Varma, Maya
Presentation High School, San Jose, CA
A Wireless Smartphone-Based System for Diagnosis of Pulmonary Illnesses
Vemuri, Sreya
Carmel High School, Carmel, IN
Effect of Time-Dependent Gain and Loss in a PT-Symmetric Optical Waveguide Array
Willner, Asher Justin
Yeshiva University High School of Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA
Experimental Demonstration of 20 Gbit/s Efficient Data Encoding and 2 ns Network Channel Hopping using Orbital-Angular-Momentum Spatial Mode Patterns
Yu, Josephine Jessica
Montgomery Blair High School, Silver Spring, MD
Lattice and Continuum Models of Solitons and Vortices in Bilayer Graphene
Zhang, Michael
Conestoga High School, Berwyn, PA
Design and Assembly of CRISPR/Cas9-based Virus-like Particles for Orthogonal and Programmable Genetic Engineering in Mammalian Cells
Zhang, Rachel
Parkway South High School, Manchester, MO
Statistics of Intersections of Curves on Surfaces
Zhu, Clare
Northwood High School, Irvine, CA
Quantifying the Complexity of Conformational Transitions in the Partial and Biased Activation of G-Protein-Coupled Receptors