Ramon Moreno Jr.
Thousand Oaks High School
Thousand Oaks, CA
The Influence of Isonicotinamide on the Chronological Lifespan of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Strains
Ramon Moreno studied the potential of a chemical compound called isonicotinamide (INAM) to extend the lifespan of three groups of yeast cells and believes his work indicates INAM warrants further research in support of the possible promotion of longevity in certain cells. His research may one day contribute to new longevity-enhancing treatments.
View PosterRamon Moreno, 17, of Thousand Oaks, studied the potential of the chemical compound isonicotinamide (INAM) to extend the lifespan of yeast cells for his Regeneron Science Talent Search biochemistry project. Ramon performed growth and lifespan modification analysis on three different strains of yeast – measuring the effects of different concentrations of INAM on cell growth and on the length of time nondividing cells survive.
He found a significant correlation between the influence of INAM and a lack of growth in one strain and between INAM’s influence and the viability of two other strains. He believes his work indicates that the compound is a legitimate candidate for further research and may result in the possible promotion of longevity in certain cells.

Ramon attends Thousand Oaks High School where he runs cross country. Inspired by his own immigrant parents, he helped a family of recent immigrants learn to speak, read, and write English, and received recognition from his city. A music lover, Ramon plays flute and violin and taught himself bassoon and keyboard. He is the son of Josephina and Ramon Moreno, and he wants to earn a doctoral degree and become a laboratory researcher specializing in cell studies.

Beyond the Project
As a junior varsity athlete on his school’s cross-country team, Ramon received the distinction of “most improved” athlete.
FUN FACTS: Ramon won recognition from his county for his work supervising more than 100 other student interns as a volunteer at a health clinic providing free healthcare, counseling, and financial support to those who find themselves in need.