Christopher Bouton
Christopher Bouton is Senior Vice President and Head of AI at Certara, a global leader in biosimulation providing innovative software and services to global pharmaceutical and biotech companies. Prior to Certara, Bouton was the Founder & CEO of Vyasa Analytics (acquired by Certara in 2023), an AI analytics company applying novel deep learning approaches across the drug discovery pipeline. Bouton also previously founded Entagen, a software company that provided innovative life sciences data integration products and was acquired by Thomson Reuters in 2013. Before founding Entagen and Vyasa, Bouton worked as a computational biologist at LION Bioscience Research Inc. and Aveo Pharmaceuticals from 2001 and 2004, leading the microarray data analysis functions at both companies. In 2004, he accepted the position of Head of Integrative Data Mining for Pfizer and led a group of Ph.D. level scientists conducting research in the areas of computational biology, systems biology, knowledge engineering, software development, machine learning and large-scale ‘omics data analysis.
Bouton is an author on numerous scientific papers and book chapters and his work has been covered in a wide range of industry news articles. He holds a Ph.D. in Molecular Neurobiology from Johns Hopkins University and a B.A., Magna Cum Laude, from Amherst College.
Bouton is an alumnus of the 1992 Science Talent Search.
He joined the Society’s Board of Trustees in 2023.