Engineering and Invention Projects Guide
Use this information to help determine the requirements of Engineering Projects and potential areas that will require pre-approval and/or extra safety precautions. A Guide to Engineering & Invention Projects has been developed as an additional resource and provides a series of questions to consider as you being and design an engineering or invention project.
Engineering and Invention Project Checklist
Consider the answers to the questions below. If the response is yes, then the project may fall under more specific rules and those sections of the International Rules & Guidelines should be consulted.
Hazardous Chemicals, Activities and Devices
Will your project involve any of the following:
- DEA-controlled substances
- Firearms and Explosives
- Prescription Drugs
- Alcohol & Tobacco
- Regulated Drones
- Radiation
Device Testing with Human Participants
- Are you going to test your projects (device, app, invention, prototype etc.)? If yes, does it requires persons to interact with it other than yourself or adult sponsor/supervisor?
- Do you intend to gather background knowledge through a survey or interviews to understand the potential use and needs for your project design?
- Are you going to ask for opinions or suggestions on your project design at any point of the project?
- Does your project intend to gather personal data/have a health benefit to the user?
Vertebrate Animals
- Does your project include any interaction with vertebrate animals in any phase of the project? If yes, please refer to the full Vertebrate Animal Rules.
Potentially Hazardous Biological Agents
- Does your project include any collection, examination or handling of microorganisms, and/or fresh or frozen tissue, primary cell cultures, blood, blood products or body fluids?
- Are you going to culture or isolate any substance, known or unknown? If yes, please refer to the full Potentially Hazardous Biological Agent Rules.