International Rules

The International Rules for Pre-college Science Research: Guidelines for Science and Engineering Fairs are published annually to support students doing independent research safely. The International Rules are the official rules of the Regeneron ISEF and students competing at Society-affiliated science fairs.

The purpose of these rules is to:

  • protect the rights and welfare of the student researcher
  • protect the rights and welfare of the human participant
  • ensure adherence to federal regulations
  • ensure use of safe laboratory practices
  • protect the environment
  • determine eligibility for competition in the Regeneron ISEF

Additional Resources to Support Student Researchers

Use this wizard to help determine required documentation.

ISEF Rules Wizard

Read definitions of the 22 categories of Regeneron ISEF competition.

Categories and Sub-Categories

View the Display & Safety Rules

Display & Safety Rules

Get answers to common rules questions.


Find more information about dates and required forms.

Overview of Forms and Dates