Must include proposed and actual start and end dates
Must include detailed research plan
Must have all work site information completed
Missing final SRC signature on the Approval Form 1B
The SRC must sign the bottom of 1B to demonstrate that the paper went through SRC review prior to competition at the regional, and state level.
Incorrect or incomplete Abstract
Must be in proper format
Must be without acknowledgements
Must have checks properly marked and be signed
Must reflect current year’s work done by student
Must reflect only the student’s work
Must be in the student’s own words
Missing Risk Assessment Form 3
Must be completed for projects that involve chemicals, equipment, or other potential hazards
Often missing, and often incomplete without description of safety precautions taken
Prior year’s paperwork for continuations
Continuing projects, even those with clear demonstration of significant progress, must provide prior year’s research (1A and Research Plan Attachment)
Consider the project a continuation if prior work has been done in same general research area
Top Five Regeneron ISEF SRC Problems
(Guaranteed to require an interview)
Vertebrate animal projects without proper SRC or IACUC approval or lacking appropriate detail in the research plan
Human participant projects without evidence of proper prior approval or informed consents
Projects involving the culture of potentially-pathogenic and pathogenic agents without appropriate detail about materials cultured, methods, or location of culturing and storage
Continuing projects without enough detail in the research plan to demonstrate significant progress, including an abstract that is often too similar to the previous year’s
Projects that have eligibility questions regarding either the number of students involved in the project (team to individual or too many team members), the longevity of the research involved, or the age of the participants
Top 10 SRC Problems from Regional SRC Reports
Incomplete paperwork – missing forms or signatures
Not getting paperwork in on time
Missing human participant forms 4a and 4b after conducting a survey or otherwise using humans in the project
Not differentiating between a qualified scientist and a designated supervisor
Inappropriate handling and safety precautions for the use of bacteria and molds (potentially-pathogenic agents)
Incomplete research plans, including insufficient bibliography
Failure to obtain prior SRC approval
Bad dates – paperwork not signed in the appropriate order prior to the start of experimentation
Not having prior paperwork for continuing projects
Elementary and junior projects and teachers not following the International Rules