Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
Code: CBIO
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Studies that primarily focus on the discipline and techniques of computer science and mathematics as they relate to biological systems. This includes the development and application of data-analytical and theoretical methods, mathematical modeling and computational simulation techniques to the study of biological, behavior, and social systems.

Computational Biomodeling
Computational Epidemiology
Computational Evolutionary Biology
Computational Neuroscience
Computational Pharmacology
Computational Biomodeling (MOD): Studies that involve computer simulations of biological systems most commonly with a goal of understanding how cells or organism develop, work collectively and survive.
Computational Epidemiology (EPD): The study of disease frequency and distribution, and risk factors and socioeconomic determinants of health within populations. Such studies may include gathering information to confirm existence of disease outbreaks, developing case definitions and analyzing epidemic data, establishing disease surveillance, and implementing methods of disease prevention and control.
Computational Evolutionary Biology (EVO): A study that applies the discipline and techniques of computer science and mathematics to explore the processes of change in populations of organisms, especially taxonomy, paleontology, ethology, population genetics and ecology.
Computational Neuroscience (NEU): A study that applies the discipline and techniques of computer science and mathematics to understand brain function in terms of the information processing properties of the structures that make up the nervous system.
Computational Pharmacology (PHA): A study that applies the discipline and techniques of computer science and mathematics to predict and analyze the responses to drugs.
Genomics (GEN): The study of the function and structure of genomes using recombinant DNA, sequencing, and bioinformatics.
Other (OTH): Studies that cannot be assigned to one of the above subcategories. If the project involves multiple subcategories, the principal subcategory should be chosen instead of Other.