Adult in Charge Checklist
An Adult-in-Charge (AIC) is a member of an official party selected to fulfill key roles for their students during Regeneron ISEF, including the role of lead chaperone. AICs may be asked to fulfill the following duties:
Register the Official Party
- All members of the Official Party should accompany the AIC to registration to present their photo identification. If a younger student does not have a formal form of identification, be sure he or she is accompanied by a chaperone with photo identification.
- AICs should bring proof of pre-payment of all registration fees as well as the confirmation numbers for hotel(s). A printout of these confirmations may be obtained from the Fair Director.
- The fair affiliation fee must be paid at Registration, if it was not paid previously. The Society does not accept cash payments. The Official Party will not be allowed to register without completion of payment by credit card, check, or money order. It is the responsibility of the AIC to consult with the Fair Director to obtain payment and proof thereof, or to be prepared to make payment onsite.
- All finalists are required to sign a Code of Conduct and Releases as part of completing their Finalist Questionnaire. The AIC may be contacted if the finalist is having any issues completing these forms.
Assist finalists with project set-up, including Display & Safety infractions
- Finalists are expected to go to the Exhibit Hall upon arrival to complete project setup and go through the Display & Safety inspection. The finalist(s) must go through the inspection independently, but may need the assistance of the AIC to resolve any concerns raised.
- Project setup must always take priority over sightseeing and tours. Project set-up must be completed by the night of Monday, May 15. Only projects that have Display and Safety infractions will be allowed into the Finalist Exhibit Hall on Tuesday.
Act as the central point of contact for members of your Official Party
- The AIC is responsible for the well-being of finalists. Any underage members of the Official Party traveling without parents must agree to be responsible to you. Once in town, acquaint yourself with the neighborhood around your hotel and exercise caution when traveling back and forth between your hotel and the convention center, especially at night.
- Obtain the cell phone numbers and hotel information (front desk phone number as well as room number) for all members of the Official Party. Make sure everyone, especially the students, carry your cell phone number and other contact information with them at all times.
- AICs are responsible for ensuring that other adults in their Official Party share the chaperoning duties and support the finalists in staying on schedule.