Make A Gift to Society for Science

Donor Advised Funds

A donor advised fund (DAF) provides a flexible, philanthropic giving vehicle that provides attractive tax and administrative benefits to donors interested in maximizing their giving.

Distributions made to Society for Science through a donor advised fund may be put to the greatest need or designated to a specific program area: Science Competitions, Journalism, or Outreach & Equity.

Individual Retirement Account Charitable Rollovers

An IRA rollover enables you to transfer up to $100,000 (per individual) from your IRA, counting towards your required minimum distribution. The distribution will not count as taxable income, helping to keep you in a lower tax bracket whether or not you itemize deductions.

To qualify:

  • You must be 70 ½ years old or older by year-end.
  • The transfer must go directly from your IRA administrator to Society for Science & the Public.
  • You may transfer up to a total of $100,000 as an individual, and a married couple may give up to $200,000.
  • Your transfer must be executed by December 31 in order to count in the Society’s giving total for that year – so it is wise to give your administrator a couple of weeks to make the transfer happen.

To make your gift, you need to send two letters, one to your IRA custodian and the other to the Society for Science.

This information is not intended as legal, accounting or other professional advice.

Gifts of Stock

We are pleased to accept gifts of stock or securities.

To make a transfer, please instruct the broker or custodian to do the following:

Transfer the securities for the benefit of Society for Science & the Public

Depository Trust Company (DTC): 8862
Legal Name: Society for Science & the Public
Account: 5TL-02310
Tax ID: 53-0196483

Email the following information to

  • Donors Name
  • Address, phone, and email
  • Number of shares transferred and name of the stock(s)
  • Expected date of transfer
  • Value of the stock at the time of the transfer
  • Confirmation of the transfer

Gifts in Honor or Memory

For those wishing to make a tax-deductible contribution in honor or in memory of someone, there are now two options:

By credit card: Use our main donation page. Be sure to check “Yes, this is an in honor or memorial gift” and share the honoree’s name and the name and contact information of the individual or family member who should be notified of your gift.

By check: Please send a check payable to “Society for Science” with the name of the honoree on the memo line. If you would like us to notify the individual or a family member of your gift, please provide that information as well.

Attn: Advancement Department
Society for Science
1719 N Street NW
Washington, DC 20036



Contact us about your giving.

Eric Olson

Director of Annual Giving & Membership
(202) 868-4850

Society for Science is a top-rated nonprofit organization.