Broadcom MASTERS 2014 Semifinalists

Some facts about the 2014 Broadcom MASTERS Semifinalists:
- Semifinalists hail from 247 middle schools in 36 states and Puerto Rico, and represent 123 regional and state science fairs across the U.S.
- 71 of the semifinalists are from California, followed by Florida with 31, Texas with 22, Oregon with 19, Ohio with 17, and Pennsylvania with 14.
- Semifinalists were selected from more than 2,054 applicants after each application received three independent readings and evaluations by distinguished scientists, engineers and educators. Nominees qualified to enter the Broadcom MASTERS by being among the top 10 percent of the participants at their SSP-affiliated science fairs.
Broadcom MASTERS 2014 Slideshow
Pictures were sent in by the semifinalists and are in alphabetical order.
A PDF of the slideshow is available here.
Broadcom MASTERS 2014 semifinalist book (PDF)
Semifinalist listing in alphabetical order by last name:
Abdulla, Muhammad Grade: 8
West Shore Jr./Sr. High School, Melbourne, FL
Project Title: Deterministic and Stochastic Analysis in Biomedical Engineering: Fractal Geometry vs. Brownian Motion
Adenwala, Naman Grade: 8
Uplift North Hills Preparatory, Irving, TX
Project Title: Magnet’elmet
Adulla, Ashwin Grade: 8
Challenger School, Newark, CA
Project Title: The Solvent Solution
Adumitroaie, Thea Grade: 7
Canyon Hills Junior High School, Chino Hills, CA
Project Title: Diamagnetic Levitation of Pyrolytic Graphite and Young Humans (Could We?)
Aeron, Shrey Grade: 6
Aspire Middle School, Lacey, WA
Project Title: Muddicity: Generate Electricity from Dirt
Altunin, Ivan Grade: 6
Nevada Connections Academy, Sparks, NV
Project Title: Red, White, Blue, Go!!!
Amash, Alex Grade: 8
Blevins Middle School, Fort Collins, CO
Project Title: Chemical Food Preservatives: How Effective Are They at Retarding Bacterial Growth?
Amirtharaj, Divya Grade: 7
Meadow Park Middle School, Beaverton, OR
Project Title: Sequestrating CO2 from Exhaust Gas
Anand, Joseph Grade: 7
Blessed John Paul II Homeschool Science Cooperative, Wexford, PA
Project Title: The Effects of Bisphenol A on Drosophila melanogaster
Anandarao, Pranav Grade: 7
Friedell Middle School, Rochester, MN
Project Title: The Efficiency of Nano-Crystalline Titanium Dioxide Based Dye Sensitized Solar Cells Using Natural Dyes
Anderson, Fiona Grade: 8
Summit Charter Middle School, Boulder, CO
Project Title: Liquid Invisibility Cloak
Argyle, Sarah Grade: 8
Centennial Middle School, Provo, UT
Project Title: Nitrate Removal through Ion Exchange
Arora, Arushi Grade: 8
Novi Middle School, Novi, MI
Project Title: Colloidal Silver to the Rescue!
Asiegbu, Chinaza Grade: 8
Fernwood Avenue Middle School, Egg Harbor Township, NJ
Project Title: The Spices of Life: The Antimicrobial Effects of Natural Remedies on E.coli
Aulwes, Ethan Grade: 8
Los Alamos Middle School, Los Alamos, NM
Project Title: The Future of Bluetooth Low Energy
Baab, Cameron Grade: 8
Redwood Middle School, Saratoga, CA
Project Title: The Effects of Various Extraction Methods of the Antioxidant EGCG on Biofuel Production in Nannochloropsis salina
Balachander, Shiva Grade: 7
Stratford Middle School, Santa Clara, CA
Project Title: Sticky Situation: Effect of Natural Supplements on Removal of Cholesterol from Arterial Walls
Baldwin, Gary Grade: 7
Deane Bozeman School, Southport, FL
Project Title: Plants with a Purpose
Balsara, Burzin Grade: 8
Schimelpfenig Middle School, Plano, TX
Project Title: Watts Up with Waste?: An Investigation and Design of Microbial Fuel Cells
Barber, Lauren Grade: 8
St. Timothy’s School, Raleigh, NC
Project Title: Wave of the Future
Behari, Nikhil Grade: 8
Ingomar Middle School, Pittsburgh, PA
Project Title: Latencies, Haptics, & Passwords
Behera, Gaurav Grade: 8
Friedell Middle School, Rochester, MN
Project Title: Peripheral Neuropathy Analyzing System
Bhansali, Rinni Grade: 7
West Hollow Middle School, Melville, NY
Project Title: Are There Unfoldable Proteins in Dimension Three?
Bharath, Sangeetha Grade: 8
Sebastian Questa Elementary School, Mountain House, CA
Project Title: PiezoPower
Bilodeau, Caleb Grade: 8
Meridian Middle School, Kent, WA
Project Title: Broken Hydrogen Bonds
Blackwell, Gage Grade: 6
Sego Lily Elementary, Lehi, UT
Project Title: Grandpa’s Table Top Antenna Might Be as Deaf as He Is
Bollimpalli, Meghana Grade: 7
LISA Academy, Little Rock, AR
Project Title: Biodiesel: Fueling the Future?
Boltan, Phillip Grade: 8
Harmony School of Innovation-Carrollton, Carrollton, TX
Project Title: Influence of Ionized Water on Plant Growth
Boring, Davis Grade: 8
Wangenheim Middle School, San Diego, CA
Project Title: What Is the Best Material for a Football Helmet Lining to Reduce G-forces?
Branda, Benjamin Grade: 7
Franklin Fine Arts Center, Chicago Public Schools, Chicago, IL
Project Title: The Effect of Electromagnetic Fields on Scenedesmus Algae
Bruce, Daniel Grade: 8
The Rhoades School, Encinitas, CA
Project Title: Flight Initiation Distance: Human Presence Impacts on Lagoon Bird Response
Buch, Deveshi Grade: 7
Folsom Middle School, Folsom, CA
Project Title: 4eyes: An Ultrasonics-based Solution to Collisions Involving Cellphone-distracted Pedestrians
Burnett, Oliver Grade: 8
The Ellis School, Pittsburgh, PA
Project Title: Using Thermoelectrics to Harness Household Waste Heat
Caes, Zofia Grade: 8
Abraham Lincoln Middle School, Gainesville, FL
Project Title: Bioinformatics and Molecular Analysis of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus
Campbell, Stephen Grade: 6
Academia San Ignacio de Loyola, San Juan, PR
Project Title: Will Supplementing Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus-Infected Hamlin Orange Trees with Compost Suppress Huanglongbing (Citrus Greening)?
Carlson, William Grade: 8
Rustburg Middle School, Rustburg, VA
Project Title: The Effect of Temperature on Neurons
Carson, Helen Grade: 8
Home School, Issaquah, WA
Project Title: Investigating the Annual Formation of Water Ice Clouds at Mars Hellas Basin
Carter, Matthew Grade: 7
Rocky Mountain Middle School, Heber, VA
Project Title: Planaria: Perky, Pokey, Puny, or Pudgy
Caves, Isaak Grade: 7
Narrows View Intermediate School, University Place, WA
Project Title: Making Wind Energy More Efficient
Cevasco, Hannah Grade: 7
St. Charles School, San Carlos, CA
Project Title: Honey, I Found A Cure! Nature’s Antibiotic
Chandan, Aman Grade: 8
Letha Raney Intermediate School, Corona, CA
Project Title: Concussions: Can We Head Them Away?
Chang, Sebastian Grade: 8
Belhaven Middle School, Linwood, NJ
Project Title: Design of a 3D Printed Pediatric Prosthetic Hand which Actuates with Wrist Extension and Flexion
Chen, Karen Grade: 8
Carlisle Public School, Carlisle, MA
Project Title: Nightlight: A Revolution in Greenhouse Technology
Chen, Kevin Grade: 8
Fort Couch Middle School, Upper St. Clair, PA
Project Title: Graph Databases: A Leap in Data Organization and Retrieval
Chen, Tian Grade: 8
Terman Middle School, Palo Alto, CA
Project Title: The Thermodynamic Freezing Paradox of the Mpemba Effect: Explaining Using Thermo Conductivity and Bond Energy Transfer
Chrepta, Benjamin Grade: 8
Friedell Middle School, Rochester, MN
Project Title: Improving and Testing Robotic Arm Kinesthetics with the Use of Processing, Kinect, and Arduino
Christensen, Emma Grade: 8
Stone Circle Academy, Greenville, NC
Project Title: Cloudy with a Chance of Insects: Creating a Predictive Algorithm to Alert the Public to Insect Surges
Clark, Leif Grade: 7
East Middle School, Butte, MT
Project Title: The Effects of Various Types of Interference on an Amplitude Modulation Broadcast
Clements, Nia Grade: 8
Keystone School, San Antonio, TX
Project Title: Addicted to Sugar? A Chemotaxic Study of Artificial Sweeteners on C. elegans to Predict Human Behavior
Coholan, Mariela Grade: 8
St. James St. John School, New Bedford, MA
Project Title: How Thick Is Your Water?
Conway, Analisa Grade: 8
St. Francis of Assisi, Louisville, KY
Project Title: Exploring Vinyl Flooring Cytotoxicity
Coorey, Harrison Grade: 6
Alameda Community Learning Center, Alameda, CA
Project Title: Are Some Multiplication Facts Harder than Others?
Costa, Nathanael Grade: 7
Carriagebrooke Academy, Voorhees, NJ
Project Title: Improving Readability Scales
Courtney, Joshua Grade: 8
Carmel Hill School, Baton Rouge, LA
Project Title: Condition Factors in Fish as Bioindicators of Oyster Over-harvesting in the Calcasieu Estuary
Cruz-Sanchez, Andres Grade: 8
West Shore Jr/Sr High School, Melbourne, FL
Project Title: A Computational Phylogenetics Approach to Drug Discovery for the Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease
Cullen, Aedan Grade: 7
Hopkins Academy, Hadley, MA
Project Title: Lightning: A Faster, More Efficient Internet Browser
Dana, Rebecca Grade: 7
Western Center Academy, Hemet, CA
Project Title: Is Your Roof Fire Safe?
Das, Arnob Grade: 8
Stoller Middle School, Portland, OR
Project Title: A Novel Biocompatible Medical Implant Material
De La Cruz, Hamish Grade: 6
Glen Avon Elementary School, Jurupa Valley, CA
Project Title: Chamber, Photo-degradation, Action!
DeBok, Bryce Grade: 7
Trailridge Middle School, Shawnee Mission, KS
Project Title: Blow Wind Blow, Go Car Go: How Placement of Wind Turbines on a Vehicle Affect Total Energy Output of the Wind Turbines
Deng, Leo Grade: 8
ACCESS Academy, Portland, OR
Project Title: Development of Forest Fire Prediction Tool for the State of Oregon
Devlin, Catherine Grade: 8
Saint Michael School, North Andover, MA
Project Title: Which Two Dimensional Characteristic Most Affects Synesthesia?
Doctor, Yesh Grade: 8
Rice Middle School, Plano, TX
Project Title: Clean Green Bioplastics: An Investigation Into the World of Biodegradable Plastics
Downs Perez, Eleana Grade: 7
Southern Middle School, Lothian, MD
Project Title: Latitude with Attitude: A Mathematical Model for Predicting Solar Cell Efficiency in Lothian, Maryland
Duncan, David Grade: 7
Mirman School, Los Angeles, CA
Project Title: What’s in the Meat We Eat? Detecting Antibiotics in Beef, Pork & Chicken from Grocery Stores in an Economically Diverse City
Eccles, Lauren Grade: 7
Jefferson Middle School, Jefferson City, TN
Project Title: Environmentally Apeeling? A Dual Focus Study using Banana Peels for Copper Adsorption plus pH Effects
Edmonds, Caroline Grade: 7
Talbert Middle School, Huntington Beach, CA
Project Title: Blink and Run: Flashlight Fish
Edwards, Bryce Grade: 8
Gildersleeve Middle School, Newport News, VA
Project Title: Identifying Chemical Contaminants through the Use of a Spectrophotometer
Eggebraaten, Andy Grade: 7
John Adams Middle School, Rochester, MN
Project Title: A Study of Using Speech Recognition to Control a Robotic Hand
Eichenauer, Evan Grade: 8
St. Christopher School, Vandalia, OH
Project Title: Can Fish Play Soccer?
Faintich, Alex Grade: 8
Wentzville Middle School, Wentzville, MO
Project Title: In Seconds It Can Rain… Be Ready with Recycled Drains!
Feix, Nathan Grade: 7
Bellbrook Middle School, Bellbrook, OH
Project Title: Defending Buoyancy: Finding the Best Placement for Cargo on a Ship to Maximize Weight and Avoid Capsizing
Feliciano Laracuente, Lex Grade: 8
Southwestern Educational Society, Mayagüez, PR
Project Title: Engineering Design for Solar Coffee Dryer Efficiency Improvement
Figueroa, Sebastian Grade: 8
Frank Augustus Miller Middle School, Riverside, CA
Project Title: The Effect of Bird Formation on Flight Efficiency
Foo, Calista Grade: 8
West Shore Jr/Sr High School, Melbourne, FL
Project Title: Which Organic Material Would Best Serve as a Bioplastic to Replace Petroleum-based Plastic?
Fosdick, Matthew Grade: 6
Vail Academy and High School, Tucson, AZ
Project Title: Thar’s Zircons in Them Thar Hills!
Freyer, Linus Grade: 8
George Washington Carver Middle School, Coral Gables, FL
Project Title: Who Wants to Eat Horse?: Accuracy of Meat Declaration in Lasagna
Gagnon-Vishnefsky, Abigail Grade: 6
St. Mary School, Fishkill, NY
Project Title: Technology over Safety: How Dangerous Are Your Hand-held Devices?
Ganesh, Raghav Grade: 6
Joaquin Miller Middle School, San Jose, CA
Project Title: A Low Cost, Adoptable, User Tested Add-on Device for the White Cane Facilitating Safer Mobility of the Visually Impaired
Gangopadhyay, Dilan Grade: 6
PA Cyber Charter School, Midland, PA
Project Title: Disinfecting Dangerous Drinking Water
Garg, Anita Grade: 8
Rancho San Joaquin Middle School, Irvine, CA
Project Title: The Effect of Competition on a Problematic Invasive Species, Brassica nigra
Garimella, Sanjay Grade: 7
West Lafayette Junior/Senior HIgh School, West Lafayette, IN
Project Title: The Contractile Protein: Effect of CaCl2 and EDTA on the Phloem System of a Broad Bean
Garimella, Vandita Grade: 8
Harmony Middle School, Overland Park, KS
Project Title: Urease Inhibition by Cruciferous Plant Extracts: An Alternative Medicine Approach to Helicobacter pylori Infections
Gates, Makayla Grade: 6
Peralta Elementary, Los Lunas, NM
Project Title: Acoustic Levitation: The Wave of the Future
Gaurav, Naren Grade: 8
Meadow Park Middle School, Beaverton, OR
Project Title: Chaotic Antibiotic! Analysis of Bioadsorbents for the Removal of Ciprofloxacin in Surface Water
Geisbrecht, Kendra Grade: 8
Anthony Middle School, Manhattan, KS
Project Title: To Move or Not to Move: Does Diet Affect Mobility?
Giedraitis, Alden Grade: 8
Triton Middle School, Byfield, MA
Project Title: Project A.I.P: An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Navigation
Gillette, Meagan Grade: 7
Hidden Valley Middle School, Roanoke, VA
Project Title: Using Pill Bugs as a Bioindicator Species: Dose-response Avoidance of Pill Bugs to the Carbamate Pesticide Sevin and the Fertilizer Miracle-Gro and Upregulation of an Unknown Pill Bug Protein
Giordano, Daniel Grade: 6
Home School Giordano, Tucson, AZ
Project Title: Javelina Cantina
Godse, Yesh Grade: 8
Stoller Middle School, Portland, OR
Project Title: Using Shape Memory Alloys for the Development of Renewable Heat Engines and Other Applications
Gong, Brandon Grade: 8
Garden City Middle School, Garden City, NY
Project Title: A Method to Increase Plant Survival Rates in Low Water Conditions Utilizing the Absorbent Properties of Wheat Straw
Gonzalez, Andres Grade: 7
St. Hyacinth Academy, San Jacinto, CA
Project Title: School Milk: Carton or Plastic
Greenwood, Floyd Grade: 7
Andover West Middle School, Andover, MA
Project Title: Selectively Breeding Nannochloropsis Microalgae to Become a Healthier Feed Stock for Freshwater Rotifers
Grimmett, Glenn Grade: 6
The Weiss School, Palm Beach Gardens, FL
Project Title: Chlorine Disinfection of South Florida Groundwater: A Source of Dangerous Disinfection By-Products?
Gunawardena, Sanjeev Grade: 7
Athens Middle School, Athens, OH
Project Title: What Factors Affect the Accuracy of GPS?
Gupta, Aneesh Grade: 7
Oregon Episcopal School, Portland, OR
Project Title: Character Recognition Using Bezier Curves
Gupta, Ayush Grade: 7
David Starr Jordan Middle School, Palo Alto, CA
Project Title: Developing a Tennis Ball Tester
Gupta, Shayle Grade: 7
All Saints Carden Academy, Riverside, CA
Project Title: Making Schools Safer for Children with Food Allergies with the Ideal Wipe
Hall, Blake Grade: 8
Home School, Radford, VA
Project Title: Milk Replacer for Calves
Hall, Stephanie Grade: 8
Reynolds Middle School, Lancaster, PA
Project Title: Does the Color of Rosin Affect the Sound of a Violin?
Han, Kelly Grade: 8
Stoller Middle School, Portland, OR
Project Title: Increasing Vitamin D in Agaricus bisporus (White Button Mushrooms) Using Colored Light
Hanwacker, Christopher Grade: 8
Paul Laurence Dunbar Middle School, Fort Myers, FL
Project Title: The Impact of Magnetic Fields on H2O
Harathi, Archita Grade: 8
Meadow Park Middle School (Summa North Academy), Beaverton, OR
Project Title: Stove Watch
Hardin, Alexander Grade: 8
Hardin Homeschool, Chandler, AZ
Project Title: PMID Feasibility Experiment
Harikumar, Sanjiv Grade: 8
Sierra Middle School, Las Cruces, NM
Project Title: Synthesis of Ferrofluids and Their Ability to Form Different Shapes
Havel, Abbey Grade: 8
DeLaura Middle School, Satellite Beach, FL
Project Title: Driving on the Moon
Helmy, Amir Grade: 8
Lincoln Middle School, Gainesville, FL
Project Title: Using Smart-Phones to Monitor Heart Health
Herrick, Catherine Grade: 7
Saint Rose of Lima, Newtown, CT
Project Title: The Investigation of the Presence of Plastic Microscopic Fibers in Effluent Sewage Water and the Long Island Sound
Hew, Joshua Grade: 7
T.H. Rogers School, Houston, TX
Project Title: STOP in the Name of Science!
Hewitt, Sophia Grade: 8
Portola Highly Gifted Magnet Center, Tarzana, CA
Project Title: Inducing Cellular Senescence in Tetrahymena thermophila using Epigallocatechin gallate to Shorten Telomeres: Can Green Tea Help Fight Cancer?
Ho, Kaylee Grade: 8
Lucy Addison Middle School, Roanoke, VA
Project Title: The Allelopathic Effect of Alfalfa and Black Walnut on Tomato
Horton, Krystal Grade: 7
Western Center Academy, Hemet, CA
Project Title: Dispositional Attitude Measure
Hu, Elin Grade: 8
Manhasset Middle School, Manhasset, NY
Project Title: The Effect of Antihistamines on Sleep Patterns of Drosophila melanogaster
Hu, Kevin Grade: 8
Gibbons Middle School, Westborough, MA
Project Title: A Ruby Sinatra Web Application for Genetic Simulation Using Cloud Data
Huitt, Joseph Grade: 7
Notre Dame Catholic School, Chico, CA
Project Title: The Fungal Effect: Endomycorrhizae Fungi on Corn Growth and Production
Humphrey, Ana Grade: 7
George Washington Middle School, Alexandria, VA
Project Title: Constructed Wetlands and the Removal of Fecal Coliform in Four Mile Run
Isaac, Shakson Grade: 7
San Jacinto Leadership Academy, San Jacinto, CA
Project Title: Soil + Reused Coffee Grounds + Tech = Novel Microbial Fuel Cell
Iyanna, Nidhi Grade: 8
Mason Middle School, Mason, OH
Project Title: Phosphorus Recovery from Agricultural Run-off Using Magnetically Recoverable Calcium/Magnesium Based Composites
Iyer, Pranav Grade: 8
Solon Middle School, Solon, OH
Project Title: Impact Forces on the Knee while Running on Varying Gradients
Iyer, Varsha Grade: 8
McCullough Junior High School, The Woodlands, TX
Project Title: Which Catalyst Is on Your List? Biodiesel, More Efficient Than Ever
Jack, Brenden Grade: 7
Sequim Middle School, Sequim, WA
Project Title: What Caused Gertie to Gallop?
Jackson, Holly Grade: 8
Old Orchard School, Campbell, CA
Project Title: Sewing Science
Jacob, Joshua Grade: 8
St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School, Louisville, KY
Project Title: A Novel Reaction to Recycle Glycerol Waste
Jain, Aditya Grade: 8
SUMMA Stoller Middle School, Portland, OR
Project Title: It’s a Matter of Life & Breath: An Improved Automated Diagnostic Tool for Lung Cancer Solitary Pulmonary Nodules (SPN) Detection towards Population Based Screening
Jain, Avni Grade: 7
Central Middle School, Eden Prairie, MN
Project Title: Allergen Alert! An Innovation to Assist People with Finding Safe Food Choices
Jaymes, Gelsey Grade: 7
Porter-Gaud, Charleston, SC
Project Title: No More Oyster Roasts?: Effect of Increasing Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide on Oysters
Jha, Harshika Grade: 7
Rice Middle School, Plano, TX
Project Title: The Hangover that Lasts a Lifetime: Effect of Alcohol on Embryonic Development
Jha, Hrtithik Grade: 7
Rice Middle School, Plano, TX
Project Title: The Hangover that Lasts a Lifetime: Effect of Alcohol on Embryonic Development
Jiang, Benjamin Grade: 8
North Oldham Middle School, Goshen, KY
Project Title: Balance Temperature, Efficiently
Jones, Cameron Grade: 7
Corte Madera, Portola Valley, CA
Project Title: Is It Warm or Is It Just Me?: Regulating Thermal Comfort with Personal Peltier Modules
Jongeneelen, Celeste Grade: 8
Home School, Kula, HI
Project Title: Disk-O Stars, Part Two
Joshi, Megha Grade: 7
Blanchet Catholic School, Salem, OR
Project Title: AquaSol – Portable Solar Powered Water Filtration System
Kalavacharla, Anusha Grade: 8
Collegium Charter School, Exton, PA
Project Title: Understanding the Genetics and Bioinformatics of Drought Tolerance in Common Bean
Kao, Patrick Grade: 8
La Entrada Middle School, Menlo Park, CA
Project Title: Creating a Space Flight Simulator Program
Karandikar, Anusha Grade: 6
Trinity Preparatory School, Winter Park, FL
Project Title: The Mathematics of Lawn Irrigation
Karthik, Ananya Grade: 7
Challenger School, Sunnyvale, CA
Project Title: A Greener Cleaner: Investigating a Potential Biosorbent for the Removal of Heavy Metals from Aqueous Solutions
Katz, Christopher Grade: 8
Classical Conversations, Ocala, FL
Project Title: Firing into the Future: Impact of Increasing Railgun Voltage on Projectile Distance
Kedzierski, Anthony Grade: 8
McCullough Junior High School, The Woodlands, TX
Project Title: Rock ‘n’ Flow
Kesaraju, Akhil Grade: 8
Winburn Middle School, Lexington, KY
Project Title: The Effects of Calcium Hydroxide as Pretreatment in Cellulosic Ethanol Production
Khan, Nadia Grade: 8
Huda School & Montessori, Franklin, MI
Project Title: Can a Diabetes Drug Fight Ovarian Cancer and Put a Woman on Mars?
Khan, Zohair Grade: 6
Al-Amal School, Fridley, MN
Project Title: The Effects of Thermal Insulation on Heat Retention: A Comparison of Popular Insulants with a Custom-made Corn Husk Insulant
Khashayar, Sahar Grade: 8
Fairmont Private School, North Tustin, CA
Project Title: Wildfire Early Warning System Using Computer Science
Kienzle, Elliot Grade: 8
Takoma Park Middle School, Takoma Park, MD
Project Title: An Examination of the Voltage Drop across the Farnsworth-Hirsch Fusor
Kim, Andy Grade: 8
McCullough Junior High School, The Woodlands, TX
Project Title: Enhanced Mixotrophic Growth of Chlorella vulgaris
Kim, Kevin Grade: 8
Diablo Vista Middle School, Danville, CA
Project Title: Digitial Analysis of Diverse Woodwind Instruments
Kladler, Allison Grade: 8
Page Middle School, Gloucester, VA
Project Title: Effect of Soil Compaction in Relation to Granular Size of Soil Types
Knoll, Cameron Grade: 8
Park Christian School, Moorhead, MN
Project Title: Stop Treating Your Soil Like Dirt!
Kojima, Kotaro Grade: 7
Broadway Creek Homeschool Academy, Medina, OH
Project Title: Novel Self-Sweeping Turbulent Cleanroom Technology
Kornfeld, Aaron Grade: 6
Weizmann Day School, Pasadena, CA
Project Title: Rolling Down a Hill
Krishnamurthy, Preetha Grade: 8
Amelia Earhart Middle School, Riverside, CA
Project Title: Do Modern Devices Emit Harmful Amounts of EMFS?
Krishnan, Maya Grade: 8
McCullough Junior High School, The Woodlands, TX
Project Title: Which Catalyst Is on Your List? Biodiesel, More Efficient Than Ever
Kumar, Aditi Grade: 8
Aspire Middle School for the Performing Arts, Lacey, WA
Project Title: The Optimization of Microbial Fuel Cell Structure to Generate More Electricity
Kumar, Medha Grade: 6
Meadow Park Middle School, Beaverton, OR
Project Title: CO2 Intake in Trees
Kuntz, Brittney Grade: 7
Calvin Christian School, Edina, MN
Project Title: Differences in Chloride Concentration Levels in an Urban Stream by Season and Site
Kurth, Emily Grade: 8
St. Andrew’s Priory School, Honolulu, HI
Project Title: What Killed the Fish In Honolulu Harbor? The Effect of Molasses on Dissolved Oxygen Levels in Salt Water
Kwan, Michael Grade: 8
The Harker School, San Jose, CA
Project Title: The Effects of Farnesol on Pogonomyrex barbatus in a Controlled Environment
Larzelere, Stephen Grade: 7
Christian Brothers School, New Orleans, LA
Project Title: The Influence of Soccer Ball Cover Type on Ball Speed, Distance, and Accuracy across Different Ground Surfaces
Lee, Joonhyuk Grade: 8
Thurgood Marshall Middle School, San Diego, CA
Project Title: The Effect of Electromagnetic Fields on Fiber Optic WDM Signal Quality
Lewis, Colton Grade: 8
St. Stephen Catholic School, Riverview, FL
Project Title: Electromagnetic Rocket Propulsion
Li, Wenyao Grade: 8
Rice Middle School, Plano, TX
Project Title: The Invisible River: Extracting Water from Air
Linder, Hannah Grade: 7
Roosevelt Middle School, Tijeras, NM
Project Title: Prevention of Enzymatic Browning in the Apple Industry
Liu, Benjamin Grade: 7
Richard Henry Dana Middle School, Arcadia, CA
Project Title: A Home-made, Microfabricated Lab-on-a-Chip Device for Urinalysis
Liu, Gabrielle Grade: 7
Overbrook School, Nashville, TN
Project Title: Sodasonics: A Resonant Frequency Acoustic Lens
Liu, Tiffany Grade: 8
The Villages Charter Middle School, The Villages, FL
Project Title: Can MRI Differentiate between Gram-positive and Gram-negative Bacterial Cultures?
Locker, Kristen Grade: 8
L.A. Ainger Middle School, Englewood, FL
Project Title: Cancel Cancer
Loganathan, Nivedha Grade: 7
Meyzeek Middle School, Louisville, KY
Project Title: Pure – It
Lonnee, Marin Grade: 7
Oconee County Middle School, Watkinsville, GA
Project Title: Taming the Mighty Mite: Natural Varroa Destructor Mite Treatments
Lou, Joseph Grade: 6
Acaciawood College Preparatory Academy, Anaheim, CA
Project Title: How Costly Is Your Multitasking? A Computer-Assisted Quantitative Study of Age and Gender Differences in Switching Costs in Time and Accuracy
Lovely, Kirstin Grade: 8
Valley Catholic Middle School, Beaverton, OR
Project Title: Water out of Nowh ‘AIR’
Luebke, Marcus Grade: 7
Bayside STEM Academy, San Mateo, CA
Project Title: Running on Water: Optimizing Hydrogen and Oxygen Production from Water to Power Cars
Ma, Ricky Grade: 8
Niu Valley Middle School, Honolulu, HI
Project Title: Fat Chloroplast
Mail, Ian Grade: 7
Stanton Middle School, Kent, OH
Project Title: Comparing Altitude of Dimpled Nose Cone Rockets with Dimpled and Smooth Body Tubes
Manohar, Ishaan Grade: 8
Uplift North Hills Preparatory, Irving, TX
Project Title: Magnet’elmet
Martin, Gregory Grade: 8
Thurgood Marshall Middle School, San Diego, CA
Project Title: Increasing Lipid Yields in Chlorella vulgaris through Natural Nitrogen Depletion
Martinez, Nathaniel Grade: 7
Albuquerque School of Excellence, Albuquerque, NM
Project Title: Highly Efficient Water Desalinization by Solar Energy Pipe Exchanger
Matasic, Delaney Grade: 8
Shepherd Junior High, Mesa, AZ
Project Title: Modifying Serum Triglycerides in a Group of Dogs
Mathis, Miles Grade: 7
Santa Gertrudis Middle School, Kingsville, TX
Project Title: A Comparison of Feed Digestibility
McCune, Evelyn Grade: 8
Laura Bush Middle School, Lubbock, TX
Project Title: Aero-Morphing
McLoughlin, Evan Grade: 8
Lakeland Christian School, Lakeland, FL
Project Title: Neural Firing Range, Year II: Determining and Comparing the Effect of Methylphenidate and Dextroamphetamine on Cricket Neural Firing
Mesa, Gabriel Grade: 8
Canton Middle School, Canton, CT
Project Title: Graphene Enhanced Piezoelectric Generator for Environmental Energy Conservation
Miles, Camille Grade: 8
C.W. Ruckel Middle School, Niceville, FL
Project Title: Double the Fun in the Sun: High Efficiency Hybrid Thermal Photovoltaic Solar Panel
Mishra, Durga Grade: 8
Mason Middle School, Mason, OH
Project Title: Solar Panels and Heat
Mizan, Deepto Grade: 8
Stoller Middle School, Portland, OR
Project Title: How Does the Percent Concentration in a Corn-Syrup to Water Solution Affect Speed (in cm/seconds) through a Narrow Tube?
Moghani, Bibi Grade: 8
George Washington Carver Middle School, Miami, FL
Project Title: It’s Toxic
Mohanraj, Prastik Grade: 7
Engineering and Science University Inter-district Magnet School, Hamden, CT
Project Title: Using Wettability to Develop Reusable Freezer Bags
Morales, Dmitri Grade: 6
Archimedean Middle Conservatory, Miami, FL
Project Title: Liquid Gold: Effects of Urine on Tomato Seedlings
Movva, Rajiv Grade: 8
The Harker School (Middle Campus), San Jose, CA
Project Title: Preventing Excessive Blood Sugar Levels in Type 2 Diabetes Patients: An in vitro Inhibition Mechanism of Alpha-Amylase with Flavonoids
Mulumudi, Anisha Grade: 6
Eastside Preparatory School, Kirkland, WA
Project Title: Effect of the Angle of Windshield on Flow Separation
Mundkur, Ronak Grade: 8
Stratford Middle School, Santa Clara, Santa Clara, CA
Project Title: Surfing on Nano Magnets
Murali, Chythanya Grade: 8
LISA Academy, Little Rock, AR
Project Title: Saving the Aquatic Ecosystem from Oil Spill Cleaning Agents: A Non-Conventional Approach
Muthali, Anish Grade: 7
Stratford Santa Clara Middle School, Santa Clara, CA
Project Title: The Minotaur of the Labyrinth
Myers, Jonathan Grade: 8
Oak Grove Middle School, Hattiesburg, MS
Project Title: The Effect of Ocean Acidification on the Bioluminescence of Pyrocystis fusiformis
Naidu, Nandini Grade: 8
Valley Catholic Middle School, Beaverton, OR
Project Title: Treating Lung Cancer: By Manipulating Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Signaling Pathways
Nair, Atneya Grade: 8
Mason Middle School, Mason, OH
Project Title: The Effect of Temperature on the Performance of a Variety of Surfactants
Narasimhan, Shifra Grade: 7
Athens Middle School, Athens, OH
Project Title: Light Assisted Sugar Estimation Using Refraction
Nazareth, Andrew Grade: 6
Evergreen Elementary School, San Jose, CA
Project Title: Radiation: How Safe Are You with Your Daily Devices?
Nguyen, Amber Grade: 8
Westbrook Intermediate, Friendswood, TX
Project Title: Can HUE See a Difference?
Nickerson, Charlotte Grade: 7
Central Middle School, Quincy, MA
Project Title: Observations of Special Relativity
Nolan, Caroline Grade: 8
Stuart Middle School, Stuart, FL
Project Title: Filtering Agricultural Effluent with Fungal Mycelium
Okasinski, Jonathan Grade: 7
Pennfield Middle School, Hatfield, PA
Project Title: To See or Not to See: A Foray into DIY Quantum Entanglement
O’Neal, Isaiah Grade: 7
Portola Highly Gifted Magnet Center, Tarzana, CA
Project Title: For the Venus Flytrap, Does Food Type Affect the Speed of a Trap’s Closing and the Duration of the Trap’s Closed State?
Ostojic, Annie Grade: 6
Wilbur Wright Middle School, Munster, IN
Project Title: Wave Goodbye to Energy Loss
Oury, Nadine Grade: 7
Falk Laboratory School, Pittsburgh, PA
Project Title: Charger Power
Papisetty, Karthik Grade: 7
Wayzata Central Middle School, Plymouth, MN
Project Title: Natural Hazard Risk Model for Different Countries in the World
Parekh, Rishabh Grade: 8
Orchard Lake Middle School, West Bloomfield Township, MI
Project Title: I Can See! An Image Detection Algorithm on the Raspberry Pi that Helps the Visually Impaired
Patel, Rohin Grade: 6
Hill Gustat Middle School, Sebring, FL
Project Title: From Waste to Biofuels
Pauletti, Nitin Grade: 8
Sycamore Junior High, Cincinnati, OH
Project Title: Particulate Pollution Produced by Automobiles
Payra, Syamantak Grade: 8
Westbrook Intermediate, Friendswood, TX
Project Title: Photon Transmission & Quantum Efficiency of Photovoltaic Cells
Pelham, Andrew Grade: 6
Meigs Academic Magnet Middle School, Nashville, TN
Project Title: The Effect of Material Stiffness on Capacity in an Origami Rainwater Collection System
Pena, Leonardo Grade: 7
St. Rose of Lima School, Chula Vista, CA
Project Title: Human vs. Robot
Perez, Nicholas Grade: 6
Saint Edward School, Corona, CA
Project Title: Polymer: The Ultimate Barrier to Fire and Smoke
Petersen, Michael Grade: 6
Eaglecrest Elementary, Lehi, UT
Project Title: From That. . . To This. . . By Freezing?
Pinkhassik, Lydia Grade: 7
Wydown Middle School, Clayton, MO
Project Title: Dye-Loaded Nanocapsules in Paper-Based Sensing Devices
Powers, Laura Grade: 7
Home School, San Jose, CA
Project Title: Investigating Ant Trail Pheromones
Purkayastha, Amrita Grade: 8
Summit Charter Middle School, Boulder, CO
Project Title: How Weight Affects Canine Hypothyroidism
Qin, Albert Grade: 6
Winston Churchill Middle School, Carmichael, CA
Project Title: The Development of Drug Resistance: A Computer Simulation
Rahman, Muhammad Grade: 8
Stoller Middle School, Portland, OR
Project Title: Effective Use of Gallium antimonide Thermopiles for Intelligent Cooking and Fire Prevention
Ramos Jr., Osiris Grade: 7
St. Joseph Catholic School, Stuart, FL
Project Title: Judge Me by My Size, Do You? The Effects of Salinity Levels in the St. Lucie River on the Size and Abundance on Ctenophores
Ranganath, Shreya Grade: 7
Bonita Vista Middle School, Chula Vista, CA
Project Title: A Sandwich Stops Bullets!
Rathinasabapathi, Brindha Grade: 6
Abraham Lincoln Middle School, Gainesville, FL
Project Title: Arsenic in Rice: Can Rinsing Rice in Water Reduce Arsenic?
Rawat, Anika Grade: 8
Mount Mourne IB Middle School, Mooresville, NC
Project Title: Skeeter Feeder: A Study of Mosquito Olfactory Behavior
Rea, Emily Grade: 8
Black River Middle School, Chester, NJ
Project Title: The Wonders of Wound Care
Rehan, Aadil Grade: 7
The Rhoades School, Encinitas, CA
Project Title: Do Ions Regulate Positional Information and Regeneration?
Ritzdorf, Lucas Grade: 6
Kalispell Montessori Elementary, Kalispell, MT
Project Title: Pollution-detector Pi
Robertson, Tyler Grade: 7
Kastner Intermediate School, Fresno, CA
Project Title: Commotion in the Ocean: The Effect of Wave Barriers on Tsunami-induced Seiche Waves
Roney, James Grade: 8
Goleta Valley Junior High School, Goleta, CA
Project Title: Can Ant Pheromones Communicate Food Quality?
Ross, Edward Grade: 7
Jane Lathrop Stanford Middle School, Palo Alto, CA
Project Title: Balloon Acoustics: Why Do Balloons Make a Loud Noise When They Pop?
Sachan, Kshitij Grade: 8
Rice Middle School, Plano, TX
Project Title: Clean Green Bioplastics: An Investigation Into the World of Biodegradable Plastics
Saeed, Hafsa Grade: 8
Lincoln Park Academy, Fort Pierce, FL
Project Title: Nitrogen Levels from the Agricultural Fields to the Indian River Lagoon
Saputra, Natasha Grade: 8
Mason Middle School, Mason, OH
Project Title: Detergent Pollution Effect on Plant Growth: Is Green Detergent More Environmentally Friendly than Conventional Detergent?
Schlachter, Andy Grade: 6
Traverse Mountain Challenger School, Lehi, UT
Project Title: Designing and Validating a New and Inexpensive Method of Ozone Monitoring for Developing Nations
Schoenberger, Michael Grade: 6
Alderwood Elementary, Irvine, CA
Project Title: Storm the Castle with Newton’s Second Law of Motion: Ping Pong Projectile
Schooler, Draven Grade: 8
School of Science and Technology, Corpus Christi, Corpus Christi, TX
Project Title: Going Fast Is a Drag
Schultz, C.G. Grade: 7
Mesa Academy for Advanced Studies, Mesa, AZ
Project Title: Primitive Triangles Incognito: An Application of Pick’s Theorem
Schwartz, Gregory Grade: 8
Meyzeek Middle School, Louisville, KY
Project Title: How Does Plant Growth Affect Animal Populations in a Computer Model Simulation?
Sengupta, Anooshree Grade: 8
The Harker School, San Jose, CA
Project Title: Nanoparticle Pollution: A “Growing Problem” — The Effect of TiO2 Nanoparticles on E. Coli Growth and Viability in the Presence of Light
Sepulveda, Jonathan Grade: 8
Sanford Middle School, Sanford, FL
Project Title: The Influences of Greenhouse Gas Trends on Climate Change
Shah, Tathya Grade: 6
La Madera Elementary, Lake Forest, CA
Project Title: Smart Electricity
Shapiro, Ilana Grade: 8
La Colina Junior High School, Santa Barbara, CA
Project Title: Gravity and the Torsion Balance: A Home-Based Study of Gravitational Attraction
Shareef, Haniya Grade: 8
Lincoln Park Academy, Fort Pierce, FL
Project Title: What Is the Response of Brazilian Pepper-tree to the Attack of the Exotic Herbivore Calophya latiforceps?
Sharma, Megha Grade: 8
Mayfield Woods Middle School, Elkridge, MD
Project Title: The Effect of Various Regolith Samples on Voltage Produced by a Mediator-Less Microbial Fuel Cell
Shelby, Alexander Grade: 8
Hamilton Southeastern Junior High School, Fishers, IN
Project Title: Gre-Cycling
Sherwood, Nicole Grade: 8
Anthem Preparatory Academy, Anthem, AZ
Project Title: Modeling Enzyme Suppression as a Treatment for Pancreatic Cancer
Shivakumar, Kaushik Grade: 7
The Harker School, San Jose, CA
Project Title: Energy Efficient Aircraft Landings: Factors Influencing the Conversion of the Kinetic Energy of a Landing Airplane into Useful Electrical Energy
Shuford, Elijah Grade: 7
Hope Middle School, Greenville, NC
Project Title: B.E.S.T: Bio-Ethanol for a Sustainable Tomorrow
Shum, Anna Grade: 8
J.E. Cosgriff Memorial Catholic School, Salt Lake City, UT
Project Title: Parallax Powers
Silverman, Joshua Grade: 8
Eagle View Middle School, Mechanicsburg, PA
Project Title: The Mighty Electrolyte
Singer, Noah Grade: 8
Takoma Park Middle School, Silver Spring, MD
Project Title: An Examination of the Voltage Drop across the Farnsworth-Hirsch Fusor
Singh, Anshul Grade: 8
Thurgood Marshall Middle School, San Diego, CA
Project Title: Wind-proofing Bridges Prone to Hurricane Winds
Sivakumar, Aditya Grade: 8
International Connections Academy, Baltimore, MD
Project Title: An Acoustical Investigation of Western Classical Music Theory
Somayazulu, Arjun Grade: 8
Stoller Middle School, Portland, OR
Project Title: Examining the Impact of Dye Protonation in a Dye Sensitized Solar Cell on Its Absorption Spectra and Power Generated
Sowrirajan, Hari Grade: 8
Challenge School, Denver, CO
Project Title: Soak up the Sun: Using Nanoparticles to Catalyze Water Vaporization
Spangler-Sakata, Jonathan Grade: 7
Island Pacific Academy, Kapolei, HI
Project Title: Can Your Arthritic Dog Be More Active with Stem Cells?
Spence, Ferryn Grade: 8
Pacific Collegiate School, Santa Cruz, CA
Project Title: Abundance and Diversity of Aquatic Insects Colonizing Different Leaf Species: Does Leaf Matter Matter?
Steele, Hannah Grade: 8
Bedford Middle School, Bedford, VA
Project Title: Which Materials Can Block the Most Space Radiation?
Stone, Audrey Grade: 6
Albert Cassens Elementary, Glen Carbon, IL
Project Title: Design and Demonstration of Electrostatic Discharge: Van De Graaff Generator
Stone, Zachariah Grade: 8
National Inventors Hall of Fame Middle School Center for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Learning, Akron, OH
Project Title: A Home Engineered Centrifuge Can Produce High Quality Genomic DNA for Analysis Using NanoDrop Spectrophotometer and Gel Electrophoresis
Su, Yushan Grade: 8
Amelia Earhart Middle School, Riverside, CA
Project Title: The Effects of EMF Radiation on Life
Sumanasekera, Ruchira Grade: 7
Meyzeek Middle School, Louisville, KY
Project Title: Can Yucca Root Extract Kill Ovarian Cancer Cells?
Sun, Melinda Grade: 7
Highland Park Middle School, Beaverton, OR
Project Title: Are We Still Evolving?: A Genetic Algorithm Study of Evolution
Suri, Nathan Grade: 8
J.N. Fries Magnet Middle School, Concord, NC
Project Title: Simulating the Lorentz Force
Syed, Ammar Grade: 8
Shoal River Middle School, Crestview, FL
Project Title: Tiny Titans: A Study on The Effect of Silver Nanoparticles on Escherichia coli
Tabidze, Sandrik Grade: 6
Musselman Middle School, Bunker Hill, WV
Project Title: Box of Power to Go
Tabola, Jennifer Grade: 8
Saint Michael School, North Andover, MA
Project Title: Which Two Dimensional Characteristic Most Affects Synesthesia?
Talkington, Amelia Grade: 8
Renascence School International Orange County, Costa Mesa, CA
Project Title: Impact of Simulated Stomach Acid on Microorganism Growth in Organic and GMO Soybean/Yogurt Cultures
Tankersley, Jackson Grade: 8
National Inventors Hall of Fame Middle School Center for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Learning, Akron, OH
Project Title: The Effect of Wearing Earphones on Driving Performance
Teasley, Ava Grade: 7
Indian Creek Middle School, Covington, GA
Project Title: Preventing a Pain in the Butt
Terzian, Talar Grade: 7
Howard W. Bishop Middle School, Gainesville, FL
Project Title: Churn It Up: Off-the-Grid Laundry Agitators
Thai, Claire Grade: 8
Thai Homeschool, Tucson, AZ
Project Title: Phytoremediation of Heavy Metal Ions by Aquatic Macrophytes
Thomas, Marlin Grade: 8
Governor Mifflin Middle School, Shillington, PA
Project Title: The Effects of Sound Stimuli on Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs (Halyomorpha halys)
Tjanaka, Dylon Grade: 7
Don Callejon School, Santa Clara, CA
Project Title: Using Active Tilt Compensation to Improve Rollover Stability of Large Trucks
Topp-Johnson, Emilia Grade: 8
Friends School of Minnesota, Saint Paul, MN
Project Title: Behind the Kernels: A Study of Five Fungal Endophytes and their Use in Biocontrol against the Common Maize Pathogen, Ustilago maydis
Urban, Annika Grade: 7
Dorseyville Middle School, Pittsburgh, PA
Project Title: The Stethophone
Vangara, Sreya Grade: 8
Roberto Clemente Middle School, Germantown, MD
Project Title: Tracking Geomagnetic Storms
Vawdrey, Peter Grade: 8
Midvale Middle School, Midvale, UT
Project Title: Various Sources of Irrigation Water on Macro and Micro Nutrient Uptake in Laurentia axillaris
Vedamoorthy, Kavin Grade: 8
New Albany Middle School, New Albany, OH
Project Title: Genotoxicity of Crude Oil: Microenvironment Analysis and Biomarker Development using Arabidopsis thaliana
Veeramani, Ashwin Grade: 8
Incarnate Word Academy, Parma Heights, OH
Project Title: DNA Barcode Definition: Which Gene Sequence Is More Efficient in Identifying and Classifying Bacterial Pathogens – 16S rRNA, cpn60, or rpoB?
Vetcha, Abhinav Grade: 8
Great Valley Middle School, Malvern, PA
Project Title: The Oligodynamic Effect
Vudatha, Kavitha Grade: 7
Julia Landon College Preparatory and Leadership Development School, Jacksonville, FL
Project Title: The Effect of Different Resistor Loads on Charging and Discharging of a Capacitor in a DC Circuit
Wallin, Brenna Grade: 7
Lexington Traditional Magnet School, Lexington, KY
Project Title: Acoustium Leviosa: Investigating the Lifting Power of Acoustic Levitation
Weber, Sean Grade: 7
Sequim Middle School, Sequim, WA
Project Title: An Investigation of Variables which Affect HAB Development on the Pacific Coast of North America
Wei, Xuchen Grade: 8
Creekside Middle School, Carmel, IN
Project Title: A One-Step Test for Analysis of Stress
White, Madelyn Grade: 7
Indian Ridge Middle School, Davie, FL
Project Title: Shocking Growth, Part II: Is Increasing Electrical Voltage Beneficial to Plant Growth?
Wilkins, John Grade: 8
Keystone School, San Antonio, TX
Project Title: Future Asteroid Mining of Ceres: The Effects of a Second Moon in Earth’s Orbit on Tides on the West Coast of the United States
Wille, Nathan Grade: 8
Armstrong Middle School, Plano, TX
Project Title: Burning Me Softly: A Study of the Effects of Fabric Softener on the Flame Resistance of Clothing
Womble, Grant Grade: 8
Deerlake Middle School, Tallahassee, FL
Project Title: Building Better Blades: Increasing Efficiency of Wind Turbines through Biomimicry and Winglet Blade Design, Year Two
Wu, Alice Grade: 8
Solon Middle School, Solon, OH
Project Title: Which Seawall Provides the Most Protection against a Tsunami?
Wu, Jonathan Grade: 7
Middlebrook School, Wilton, CT
Project Title: Harness the Power of Wind and Solar
Wu, Katherine Grade: 8
Takoma Park Middle School, Silver Spring, MD
Project Title: A Driver’s Companion: Using EEG Waves and Eye Blinks to Prevent Drowsy Driving
Xing, Jeffrey Grade: 8
Jeffrey Trail Middle School, Irvine, CA
Project Title: The Study of Levitation Distance and Stability Range in Diamagnetic Levitation
Xu, Michelle Grade: 8
Pioneer Middle School, Tustin, CA
Project Title: A Mathematical Model of Leaf Counting for Carbon Sequestration
Xu, Sherry Grade: 8
Fairmont Private Schools – Anaheim Hills, Anaheim Hills, CA
Project Title: Light It Up: The Energy Efficiency of Light Bulbs
Yacoubian, Daniel Grade: 8
St. Gregory Hovsepian School, Pasadena, CA
Project Title: Using a Car’s Tailpipe to Create Electricity
Yadav, Sohan Grade: 8
Meads Mill Middle School, Northville, MI
Project Title: The Most Efficient Truss Bridge
Young, Liam Grade: 7
The Classical Academy, Colorado Springs, CO
Project Title: The Bubble Effect: How Nozzle Induced Cavitation Reduces Surface Drag on Water Vessels
Zaidel, Michael Grade: 8
Simmons Middle School, Aberdeen, SD
Project Title: Matter and Antimatter in the Visible Universe
Zaman, Anusha Grade: 7
Glasgow Middle School, Baton Rouge, LA
Project Title: Betel Leaf and Tobacco Change the Gene Expression in Human Broncho-epithelial (BEAS-2B) Cells
Zarkesh, Shaya Grade: 8
The Harker School, San Jose, CA
Project Title: eShoe: A Novel Approach to Generating Electricity through Walking Shoes
Zawol, Zoe Grade: 8
Sierra Madre Middle School, Sierra Madre, CA
Project Title: Is the Cosmic Ray Flux Greater at Higher Altitudes than at Lower Altitudes?
Zhang, Jacqueline Grade: 7
Stoller Middle School, Portland, OR
Project Title: To Sleep or Not to Sleep? Effectiveness of Different Sleep Cycles on the Drosophila melanogaster
Download the Semifinalist Book (students listed by state and fair)