Broadcom MASTERS Educational Resources
We encourage you to use this collection of educational resources with your class. Follow the suggested order of the resources or tailor your students’ adventure by selecting one or two of the activities that relate most to your goals. Access all the student worksheets that will be available on the platform below.
Educational Resources for STEM Classrooms
Use the orientation to learn about the Broadcom MASTERS program, become familiar with the virtual platform and see how the educational resources can be used to guide your learning.
Meet the 30 Broadcom MASTERS finalists and learn about their research projects by playing BINGO in the exhibition hall.
Journalist Notebook
Step into the shoes of a journalist to explore project design, the impact of science research, and pathways to creating a STEM research project. Use the journalist notebook to help you do background research on three Broadcom MASTERS student scientists’ projects.
Experiences Planner
Have fun with games and activities in the STEM experiential hall. Use the experiences planner to describe your favorite moments and science takeaways.
STEM Story Graphic Organizer
Consider your STEM interests and future potential with this STEM story graphic organizer.
Virtual Time Capsule
Set your STEM goals for the future for inclusion in the Broadcom MASTERS Virtual Public Day virtual time capsule.