Beyond the lab: the extracurricular pursuits of the Regeneron Science Talent Search 2024 scholars

Congratulations to this year’s top 300 scholars of the Regeneron Science Talent Search! In addition to their incredible STEM achievements, these students engage in entrepreneurial ventures, sports, visual and performing art forms, journalism as well as community service in their free time. Read on to discover just a few examples of what the scholars are up to outside of the lab.

Journalism: This year’s STS scholars are making strides in the world of writing and journalism. Some host their own podcasts, others contribute to newspapers—one even writes for her town’s paper while another crafts crossword puzzles for her school’s paper. One scholar is the editor-in-chief of a mathematics magazine, and another is a best-selling author.
Athletics: Some scholars pursue leadership in athletics in addition to their STEM research. Included in this year’s group of scholars is an award-winning synchronized figure skater, a member of the Croation National Lacrosse Team and a certified expert canoer.
Community Service: Many of this year’s STS scholars are actively contributing to their communities through service, volunteering and nonprofit work. Notably, one scholar leads a club that aims to reach struggling young people around the world through art, while another is part of a group of young people dedicated to promoting bat conservation. Additionally, many others generously volunteer their energy and time with local organizations.

Art: Outside of the lab, this group of scholars pursues art and creativity in many forms. Some embrace the performing arts through activities such as ballet, drumming and more. In addition, many scholars are pursuing the visual arts, delving into stained glass, woodworking and other mediums. This group of scholars truly embodies the idea that STEM and art are inextricably linked.
Entrepreneurship: Many of this year’s scholars are breaking new ground through entrepreneurial pursuits. Several have founded AI-powered platforms, one of which supports medical needs. Another scholar supports her family’s seafood business through creating marketing materials and development of new strategies.
Keep an eye out for the announcement of the Regeneron STS top 40 finalists on January 24!