Science News Learning
In 2023, the Science News Learning program reached approximately 18,000 educators and up to 5.7 million students in 5,630 schools across the country. Staff worked directly with 110 District STEM Coordinators to best serve their districts with science resources. In addition to expanding the use of Science News Media Group’s award-winning journalism, the program supports educators with professional development workshops and digital lesson plans as they integrate articles into their classroom curricula. One of the core goals of the program is to create equitable access to these valuable resources. Sixty-five percent of enrolled schools in 2022–2023 had Title I eligibility.
Through the Science News Learning program, schools receive 10 copies of Science News throughout the school year. Print and digital articles highlight real-world, current science applications, transforming how students engage with classroom science by providing meaningful connections to core curricular concepts. The program supports educators by providing hundreds of lesson plans that are aligned with Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and help integrate the news articles into classroom curricula on a regular basis.

To further its mission of increasing science literacy and access to STEM resources, Science News Learning partnered with six educators to develop and expand the reach of Society educational resources during the 2022–2023 school year. As Science News Learning Ambassadors, these Science News Learning expert educators shared their love of teaching using current, real-world research with educators in their communities and across the U.S. In addition to subscriptions to Science News and Science News Explores, each Ambassador received a stipend, presented at the Society’s High School Research Teachers Conference and joined monthly virtual meetings to share resources and ideas with their cohort.

Learn More
Learn more about what the Science News Learning program has to offer, and hear how program educators have been using it to inspire students in their classrooms.

Science News Learning Ambassadors series: Kehkashan Khan
Meet Science News Learning Ambassador Kehkashan Khan, a teacher at Benito Juarez Community Academy in Chicago, Illinois.

Science News Learning Ambassadors series: Susana Oliu
Meet Science News Learning Ambassador Susana Oliu, a teacher at Pasadena High School in Pasadena, California.